Your search for "explain" returned 50 result(s)
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Foundation to Year 2 Design and Technologies

Learning in Design and Technologies builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in the Early Years Learning Framework, revisiting, strengthening and extending these as needed. By the end of Year 2 students will have had the opportunity to create …

Foundation to Year 2 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Years 3 and 4 Digital Technologies

Learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking, such as categorising and outlining procedures; and developing an increasing awareness of how digital systems are used and could be used …

Years 3 and 4 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Structure Digital Technologies

The Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies (F–10) comprises two related strands: Digital Technologies knowledge and understanding – the information system components of data, and digital systems (hardware, software and networks) Digital Technologies …

Structure | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard Design and Technologies Years 3 and 4

By the end of Year 4, students explain how products, services and environments are designed to best meet needs of communities and their environments. They describe contributions of people in design and technologies occupations. Students describe how the …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 3 and 4 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Learning Area Achievement Standard Design and Technologies Years 5 and 6

By the end of Year 6, students explain how social, ethical, technical and sustainability considerations influence the design of solutions to meet a range of present and future needs. They explain how the features of technologies influence design decisions …

Learning Area Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 5 and 6 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard Design and Technologies Years 5 and 6

By the end of Year 6, students describe competing considerations in the design of products, services and environments, taking into account sustainability. They describe how design and technologies contribute to meeting present and future needs. Students …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 5 and 6 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Learning Area Achievement Standard Design and Technologies Years 7 and 8

By the end of Year 8, students explain how social, ethical, technical and sustainability considerations influence the design of innovative and enterprising solutions to meet a range of present and future needs. They explain how the features of technologies …

Learning Area Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 7 and 8 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard Design and Technologies Years 7 and 8

By the end of Year 8, students explain factors that influence the design of products, services and environments to meet present and future needs. They explain the contribution of design and technology innovations and enterprise to society. Students explain …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 7 and 8 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard Design and Technologies Years 9 and 10

By the end of Year 10, students explain how people working in design and technologies occupations consider factors that impact on design decisions and the technologies used to produce products, services and environments. They identify the changes necessary …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 9 and 10 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard Digital Technologies Years 3 and 4

By the end of Year 4, students describe how a range of digital systems (hardware and software) and their peripheral devices can be used for different purposes. They explain how the same data sets can be represented in different ways. Students define …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 3 and 4 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Learning Area Achievement Standard Digital Technologies Years 5 and 6

By the end of Year 6, students explain how social, ethical, technical and sustainability considerations influence the design of solutions to meet a range of present and future needs. They explain how the features of technologies influence design decisions …

Learning Area Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 5 and 6 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard Digital Technologies Years 5 and 6

By the end of Year 6, students explain the fundamentals of digital system components (hardware, software and networks) and how digital systems are connected to form networks. They explain how digital systems use whole numbers as a basis for representing …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 5 and 6 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Learning Area Achievement Standard Digital Technologies Years 7 and 8

By the end of Year 8, students explain how social, ethical, technical and sustainability considerations influence the design of innovative and enterprising solutions to meet a range of present and future needs. They explain how the features of technologies …

Learning Area Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 7 and 8 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard Digital Technologies Years 7 and 8

By the end of Year 8, students distinguish between different types of networks and defined purposes. They explain how text, image and audio data can be represented, secured and presented in digital systems. Students plan and manage digital projects to …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 7 and 8 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard Digital Technologies Years 9 and 10

By the end of Year 10, students explain the control and management of networked digital systems and the security implications of the interaction between hardware, software and users. They explain simple data compression, and why content data are separated …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 9 and 10 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum


Explain how products, services and environments evolve with consideration of preferred futures and the impact of emerging technologies on design decisions

ethical-understanding literacy information-communication critical-creative personal-social sustainability Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACTDEK041 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum


Explain how student solutions and existing information systems meet common personal, school or community needs

literacy personal-social critical-creative information-communication Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACTDIP012 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum


Explain how student solutions and existing information systems are sustainable and meet current and future local community needs

literacy information-communication ethical-understanding critical-creative personal-social Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACTDIP021 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACTDEP015

visualising and exploring innovative design ideas by producing thumbnail drawings, models and labelled drawings to explain features and modifications

critical-creative literacy numeracy

Elaboration (3) | ACTDEP015 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACTDEP016

using tools and equipment accurately when measuring, marking and cutting; and explaining the importance of accuracy when designing and making, for example creating a template, measuring ingredients in a recipe, sowing seeds

literacy critical-creative numeracy

Elaboration (2) | ACTDEP016 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Design and Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

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