Your search for "explain" returned 15 result(s)
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English - Year 7

Purpose audience and structures of different types of texts Understand and explain how the text structures and language features of texts become more complex in informative and persuasive texts and identify underlying structures such as taxonomies, cause …

English - Year 7 | Knowledge and understanding | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 6

Visual language Identify and explain how analytical images like figures, tables, diagrams, maps and graphs contribute to our understanding of verbal information in factual and persuasive texts (ACELA1524) Comprehension strategies Use comprehension …

English - Year 6 | Competencies and skills | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 7

Visual language Analyse how point of view is generated in visual texts by means of choices, for example gaze, angle and social distance (ACELA1764) Comprehension strategies Use comprehension strategies to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and …

English - Year 7 | Competencies and skills | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 8

Visual language Investigate how visual and multimodal texts allude to or draw on other texts or images to enhance and layer meaning (ACELA1548)  Comprehension strategies Use comprehension strategies to interpret and evaluate texts by reflecting on …

English - Year 8 | Competencies and skills | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 9

Visual language Analyse and explain the use of symbols, icons and myth in still and moving images and how these augment meaning (ACELA1560) Comprehension strategies Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse texts, comparing and evaluating …

English - Year 9 | Competencies and skills | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Years 3 and 4

Understand that languages have different written and visual communication systems, different oral traditions and different ways of constructing meaning - ACELA1475 Identify the effect on audiences of techniques, for example shot size, vertical camera …

English - Years 3 and 4 | Understanding respect | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Years 7 and 8

Understand the way language evolves to reflect a changing world, particularly in response to the use of new technology for presenting texts and communicating - ACELA1528 Understand how accents, styles of speech and idioms express and create personal …

English - Years 7 and 8 | Understanding respect | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Years 5 and 6

Understand that patterns of language interaction vary across social contexts and types of texts and that they help to signal social roles and relationships - ACELA1501 Understand how to move beyond making bare assertions and take account of differing …

English - Years 5 and 6 | Evaluating options | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Years 7 and 8

Recognise and explain differing viewpoints about the world, cultures, individual people and concerns represented in texts - ACELT1807 Interpret the stated and implied meanings in spoken texts, and use evidence to support or challenge different perspectives …

English - Years 7 and 8 | Evaluating options | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 8

Texts in context Content descriptions with elaborations: Analyse and explain how language has evolved over time and how technology and the media have influenced language use and forms of communication (ACELY1729) identifying and explaining how mobile …

English - Year 8 | Values, rights and responsibilities | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 8

Texts in context Content descriptions with elaborations: Analyse and explain how language has evolved over time and how technology and the media have influenced language use and forms of communication (ACELY1729) identifying and explaining how mobile …

English - Year 8 | Digital media literacy | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 5

Language Language for interaction Understand that patterns of language interaction vary across social contexts and types of texts and that they help to signal social roles and relationships (ACELA1501) Text structure and organisation Understand …

English - Year 5 | Multimedia dimensions | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 6

Language Text structure and organisation Understand how authors often innovate on text structures and play with language features to achieve particular aesthetic, humorous and persuasive purposes and effects (ACELA1518) Expressing and developing …

English - Year 6 | Multimedia dimensions | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 7

Language Language variation and change Understand the way language evolves to reflect a changing world, particularly in response to the use of new technology for presenting texts and communicating (ACELA1528) Language for interaction Understand …

English - Year 7 | Multimedia dimensions | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

English - Year 8

Language Text structure and organisation Analyse how the text structures and language features of persuasive texts, including media texts, vary according to the medium and mode of communication (ACELA1540) Understand how coherence is created in complex …

English - Year 8 | Multimedia dimensions | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

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