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Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese in simple personal interactions with familiar participants (WS1) about self, family (WS2), people, places, routine, school life, and own interests and preferences …

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 5 and 6

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written (WS3) Chinese to initiate and maintain interactions (WS1, WS2). The student describes and gives information WS2) about self (WS2, WS4), their preferences, environment, experiences …

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 5 and 6 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese to interact in a range of familiar contexts (WS1, WS2, WS3, WS4). The student responds to instructions, questions (WS2, WS3, WS4) and directions. The student uses …

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese to initiate and sustain interactions in familiar and unfamiliar contexts (WS1, WS2, WS5, WS7). The student exchanges information (WS4), ideas and opinions (WS3) and …

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (F-10 sequence)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese to sustain extended interactions with familiar and unfamiliar participants in a range of contexts (WS1). The student uses pinyin to transcribe spoken texts and uses …

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (F-10 sequence) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can interact with peers and the teacher in classroom routines and activities (WS3), exchanging greetings, wishes and information about their personal and social worlds (WS2, WS4). The student uses …

Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student uses written and spoken Japanese to interact with peers, the teacher and other Japanese speakers to exchange information and opinions about personal interests and experiences (WS1, WS3). With support …

Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student engages in social interaction to exchange greetings and to share ideas and information (WS4, WS5, WS6) related to their personal, social and school worlds (WS1, WS2, WS3, WS7, WS8, WS9). The student …

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student uses a range of everyday language both orally and in writing (WS1, WS2, WS3, WS4, WS5, WS6) to exchange information about their personal, social and local world (WS4, WS6) and about broader issues …

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can interact with teachers and peers through classroom routines, action-related talk and play (WS3). The student exchanges greetings and wishes (WS2) and responds to familiar instructions and to questions. …

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 5 and 6

This portfolio of student work shows that the student uses written and spoken French for classroom interactions (WS1) and transactions, and to exchange personal ideas, experiences and feelings. The student asks and answers questions in complete sentences …

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 5 and 6 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (F-10 sequence)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student uses written and spoken French to communicate with teachers, peers and others in a range of settings and for a range of purposes (WS1). The student uses language to access and exchange information …

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (F-10 sequence) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student interacts with peers, teachers and online French-speaking contacts, to exchange information, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings about self (WS7), family (WS3, WS4, WS9, WS10) and friends …

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student uses written and spoken French to socialise with peers (WS3), teachers (WS5) and other French speakers in local contexts and online environments (WS2). The student communicates about immediate and …

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: German - Satisfactory - Foundation to Year 2

This portfolio of student works shows that the student can interact with teachers and peers through action-related talk and play (WS1, WS2). The student introduces themself, exchanges greetings and farewells and express likes and dislikes. When interacting, …

Languages: German - Satisfactory - Foundation to Year 2 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: German - Satisfactory - Years 5 and 6

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use written and spoken German (WS1) for classroom interactions, to carry out transactions, and to share ideas and opinions (WS4), relate experiences and express feelings (WS2, WS3). The student …

Languages: German - Satisfactory - Years 5 and 6 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: German - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows the student can share information about their personal worlds, including personal details (WS1), family (WS2), friends, interests, likes, dislikes and preferences (WS5, WS6). The student interacts with others to carry …

Languages: German - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: German - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can initiate and maintain interactions (WS9) in written and spoken German to communicate ideas, thoughts, feelings and information (WS1, WS11) related to relationships, school experiences (WS2, WS6, …

Languages: German - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

HASS - Above satisfactory - Year 1

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can identify and describe with detail important dates and changes in the student’s own life (WS5, WS6). The student explains how specific aspects of daily life have changed over recent time while others …

HASS - Above satisfactory - Year 1 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

HASS - Satisfactory - Year 1

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can identify and describe important dates and changes in the student’s own life (WS5, WS6). The student explains how some aspects of daily life have changed over recent time while others have remained …

HASS - Satisfactory - Year 1 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

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