Your search for "explain" returned 7 result(s)
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Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student engages in social interaction to exchange greetings and to share ideas and information (WS4, WS5, WS6) related to their personal, social and school worlds (WS1, WS2, WS3, WS7, WS8, WS9). The student …

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)

This portfolio of student work shows that the student uses a range of everyday language both orally and in writing (WS1, WS2, WS3, WS4, WS5, WS6) to exchange information about their personal, social and local world (WS4, WS6) and about broader issues …

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Reflection on images on stamps and coins - AT

Students had looked at a number of images on coins and stamps from Australia and Italy and had a class discussion on what the choice of images by Australia and Italy reflects about cultural perceptions of what is important for each respective society. …

Reflection on images on stamps and coins - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Animal Storybook - AT

Students were asked to create a children’s number book showing animals engaged in various activities. Students were to include: a variety of adjectives and apply the rules of agreement with nouns regular and irregular present tense verbs the time …

Animal Storybook - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Letter to Daniela - AT

Students had watched the film Salvatore questa è la vita. Students had discussed and reflected on the events that led the protagonist to remain in Sicily and not return to his life in Rome. Students were asked to imagine that they were the teacher, Marco Brioni and …

Letter to Daniela - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

La mia scuola - AT

Students were asked to write an article on their school life and discuss the positive and negative aspects of their school.

La mia scuola - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

La moda e le stagioni - AT

Students had completed a module of work on fashion and learnt the vocabulary connected with clothes, fabrics and accessories. Students were asked to write the script for a fashion parade outlining suitable outfits for the four seasons of the year in …

La moda e le stagioni - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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