Describe some differences between imaginative informative and persuasive texts
Elaborations ScOT Terms
ACELY1658 | Content Descriptions | Year 1 | English | F-10 curriculum
Elaboration ACELY1656
listening for details in spoken informative texts
Elaboration | ACELY1656 | Content Descriptions | Year 1 | English | F-10 curriculum
Compare different kinds of images in narrative and informative texts and discuss how they contribute to meaning
Elaborations ScOT Terms
ACELA1453 | Content Descriptions | Year 1 | English | F-10 curriculum
Create short imaginative and informative texts that show emerging use of appropriate text structure, sentence-level grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements, for example illustrations and diagrams
Elaborations ScOT Terms
ACELY1661 | Content Descriptions | Year 1 | English | F-10 curriculum