Your search for "scope and sequence for english" returned 60 result(s)
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Elaboration ACTDIP029

investigating and designing some common algorithms, such as to search, sequence, sort, merge, control data structures

information-communication critical-creative numeracy literacy

Elaboration | ACTDIP029 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACHASSI155

modelling a system (for example, an ecosystem or hydrological cycle) and using it to explain the sequence of effects when elements are manipulated

literacy critical-creative numeracy sustainability

Elaboration (3) | ACHASSI155 | Content Descriptions | Year 7 | HASS | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACAMAM060

storyboarding and filming a short sequence showing a conflict, selecting camera angles, lighting and costume to convey meaning without dialogue

information-communication literacy ethical-understanding numeracy critical-creative

Elaboration | ACAMAM060 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Media Arts | The Arts | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACAMAM058

creating a sequence of images, sounds and text or a combination of these to clearly establish the beginning, middle and end of a story or event

literacy numeracy critical-creative

Elaboration | ACAMAM058 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Media Arts | The Arts | F-10 curriculum


Listen to, read and view a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts; identify, sequence and classify key points of information such as details about people and events; and use the information in new ways[Key concepts: information, text; Key processes: …

literacy numeracy information-communication critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLARC004 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Arabic | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Recognise that texts such as stories, emails and dialogues have particular characteristic features, and notice similarities and differences between some Spanish and English versions[Key concepts: language features, structure; Key processes: observing, …

literacy numeracy information-communication critical-creative Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLSPU140 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Spanish | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACMMG272

performing a sequence of steps to determine an unknown angle or length in a diagram involving a circle, or circles, giving a justification in moving from one step to the next

critical-creative numeracy literacy

Elaboration | ACMMG272 | Content Descriptions | Year 10A | Mathematics | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (4) ACTDIP010

defining and describing the sequence of steps needed to incorporate multiple types of data in a solution, for example sequencing the steps in selecting and downloading images and audio to create a book trailer

information-communication numeracy critical-creative literacy

Elaboration (4) | ACTDIP010 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACHASSI155

constructing and annotating timelines to show developments and periods (for example, the approximate beginning and end dates of ancient societies and the periods of time when these coexisted) and events (for example, placing referendums of the twentieth …

numeracy literacy critical-creative

Elaboration | ACHASSI155 | Content Descriptions | Year 7 | HASS | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACTDIP004

writing and entering a simple set of instructions jointly to sequence events and instructions, for example scanning personal photographs and collating and ordering significant personal events or milestones and describing the steps involved in the pro …

critical-creative literacy numeracy information-communication

Elaboration (1) | ACTDIP004 | Content Descriptions | Foundation to Year 2 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum


Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors

literacy critical-creative numeracy information-communication Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACTDIP029 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum


Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in structured English and validate algorithms and programs through tracing and test cases

literacy information-communication critical-creative numeracy Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACTDIP040 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum


Explore their own sense of identity, including elements such as family, background and experiences, and ways of using language in Arabic- and English-speaking contexts[Key concepts: communication, identity; Key processes: reflecting, adjusting]

literacy numeracy information-communication critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLARC130 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Arabic | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Explore their own sense of identity, including elements such as family, background, experiences, and ways of using language in Vietnamese- and English-speaking contexts[Key concepts: communication, identity; Key processes: reflecting, adjusting]

literacy numeracy information-communication critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLVIC133 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACAMAM063

creating a short digital sequence that uses camera angles such as close-ups and medium close-ups to focus on character relationships, power or mood

literacy information-communication numeracy critical-creative personal-social

Elaboration | ACAMAM063 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Media Arts | The Arts | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACTDIP010

describing, using drawings, pictures and text, the sequence of steps and decisions in a solution, for example to show the order of events in a game and the decisions that a player must make

critical-creative literacy information-communication numeracy

Elaboration (1) | ACTDIP010 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum


Translate and interpret short spoken and written texts, such as dialogues, speeches, labels, signs and messages, from Arabic into English and vice versa, using contextual cues and textual features, and recognising aspects that are similar or different …

literacy numeracy information-communication critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLARC008 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Arabic | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACTDIP040

designing algorithms to solve real-world problems and describing algorithms using flow charts and structured English, for example START, END, IF and UNTIL

information-communication numeracy critical-creative literacy

Elaboration | ACTDIP040 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACTDIP019

following, modifying and describing the design of a game involving simple algorithms represented diagrammatically or in English, for example creating a flowchart with software that uses symbols to show decisions, processes and inputs and outputs

information-communication critical-creative literacy numeracy

Elaboration (1) | ACTDIP019 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACTDIP029

using structured English to express algorithmic instructions, for example using conventional statements such as ‘while’ and ‘endwhile’ in a ‘while loop’ when describing interactive instruction

critical-creative literacy information-communication numeracy

Elaboration (3) | ACTDIP029 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Digital Technologies | Technologies | F-10 curriculum

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