Your search for "assessment" returned 5 result(s)
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Verbal response: Body responses to physical activity - ABOVE

During the term, discussions occurred around how the body responds to physical activity. As part of their learning, students used stethoscopes and apps to monitor heart rates. Students were asked to provide a response to teacher-generated questions to …

Verbal response: Body responses to physical activity - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration and verbal response: Creating balances - ABOVE

Students were taught a short unit on balance, particularly looking at balance points and safety. The students were shown a variety of balances on a large screen. They discussed the points of balance and were given time to experiment and practise. Students …

Demonstration and verbal response: Creating balances - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration: Shadow dodge - ABOVE

The class was exposed to and practised a range of fundamental movement skills through a variety of games. The teacher projected a film of moving objects on a wall. The students were asked to demonstrate running, walking, dodging/ducking and jumping in …

Demonstration: Shadow dodge - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration: Rolling rally - ABOVE

In Term 4, Foundation students participated in a ball control unit utilising a variety of ball types and ball sizes. Students were asked to design a court space with boundaries, including a line to divide the area in two. Students were then required …

Demonstration: Rolling rally - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Verbal response: Staying safe - ABOVE

Students identified feelings in day-to-day activities and distinguished between safe and unsafe situations. Students identified  and explained warning signs and how to take action to keep themselves safe in their small rural community. Students were …

Verbal response: Staying safe - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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