Your search for "assessment" returned 48 result(s)
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Verbal response: Body responses to physical activity - BELOW

During the term, students had discussions about how the body responds to physical activity. As part of their learning, students used stethoscopes and apps to monitor heart rates. Students were asked to provide a response to teacher-generated questions …

Verbal response: Body responses to physical activity - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration and verbal response: Creating balances - BELOW

Students were taught a short unit on balance, particularly looking at balance points and safety. The students were shown a variety of balances on a large screen. They discussed the points of balance and were given time to experiment and practise. Students …

Demonstration and verbal response: Creating balances - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration: Shadow dodge - BELOW

The class was exposed to and practised a range of fundamental movement skills through a variety of games. The teacher projected a film of moving objects on a wall. The students were asked to demonstrate running, walking, dodging/ducking and jumping in …

Demonstration: Shadow dodge - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration: Rolling rally - BELOW

In Term 4, Foundation students participated in a ball control unit utilising a variety of ball types and ball sizes. Students were asked to design a court space with boundaries, including a line to divide the area in two. Students were then required …

Demonstration: Rolling rally - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Scribed response: Growth and change - BELOW

The students and teacher discussed the concept of growth and change. Students were asked to bring in two photos of themselves: one as a baby and one as a school student. Using those photos, students identified their needs at these two points in time …

Scribed response: Growth and change - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Verbal response: Staying safe - BELOW

Students identified feelings in day-to-day activities and distinguished between safe and unsafe situations. Students identified  and explained warning signs and how to take action to keep themselves safe in their small rural community. Students were …

Verbal response: Staying safe - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration: Creating dance - BELOW

Students spent the first half of the year following dance videos as part of their warm-up in physical education lessons. Students were asked to construct and perform a dance routine using a minimum of four dance moves that went for at least 30 seconds. …

Demonstration: Creating dance - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration: Striking (tennis) - BELOW

Students were involved in a unit of work which focused on the skill of striking. They explored how to control different types of balls using a variety of equipment. Students’ prior experience varied from never having held a bat or racquet to participating …

Demonstration: Striking (tennis) - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Life changes - BELOW

Students listened to a story about children growing and changing and discussed the physical characteristics and different roles of characters in the book. Using a range of different images of people, students were asked to place them in order of age and …

Written response: Life changes - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Healthy, safe, active - BELOW

Students explored and developed classroom expectations and considered how being healthy, safe and active can create a positive classroom environment as well as healthy people. Students used think-pair-share strategy to brainstorm ideas for each aspect …

Written response: Healthy, safe, active - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Annotated drawing: Being active - BELOW

Students were involved in a unit of work looking at how to be more active, including the body’s response to physical activity. Students were asked to draw themselves being active and label what happens to their body when they are active. The teacher …

Annotated drawing: Being active - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Body reactions - BELOW

Students participated in a combined HPE and Science unit, exploring how their body felt after physical activity. Before going for a run, students checked their heart rate by putting their hand on their chest. After the run, students checked to see if …

Written response: Body reactions - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written instructions – Environmental games - BELOW

As part of a History unit, ‘Children 100 years ago’, students learnt that there was limited money and toys for children in Australia. Students were asked to create or adapt a game, using only natural resources. Students used a template to help develop …

Written instructions – Environmental games - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection: My strengths and me - BELOW

The teacher assisted students to understand what identity is and how identities can be influenced and formed over time.  The teacher and students discussed character strengths and achievements through the use of personal experiences, picture books and …

Reflection: My strengths and me - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection: Emotional responses - BELOW

Students participated in a games unit focusing on social interactions and emotions. They identified their own and others' emotions using a classroom chart of ‘feelings faces’. Students identified how their reactions might make others feel, talked about …

Reflection: Emotional responses - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Posters: Personal safety - BELOW

Students undertook a six-week unit involving protective behaviours to keep themselves safe. This included sun, water, playground and community safety. Students were asked to make a poster to share sun safety messages. Students were also asked to write …

Posters: Personal safety - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration: Overarm throw - BELOW

Prior to the assessment task, students participated in a ball skills unit involving throwing and catching activities, group activities and minor games involving these skills, and viewed video clips of effective overarm throws. Students were asked to …

Demonstration: Overarm throw - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration and written response: Dance creation - BELOW

Students were involved in a 10-week HASS and HPE unit of work about celebrations around the world. The unit of work had a strong focus on working cooperatively in a group. Students were asked to collaborate as a group to prepare a short performance consisting …

Demonstration and written response: Dance creation - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration, verbal and written response: Striking and fielding (T-Ball) - BELOW

Students suggested what they wanted to learn about striking and fielding, which was recorded on camera for the teacher to use to develop lessons. Students became more familiar with the games sense approach using questioning and direct instruction to promote …

Demonstration, verbal and written response: Striking and fielding (T-Ball) - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Analysis: Food and nutrition - BELOW

Students learnt about the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and its categories. They discussed influences on the food and drink people consume and what food is needed to stay healthy. Students were asked to record what they had eaten in the previous …

Analysis: Food and nutrition - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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