Your search for "World War I" returned 46 result(s)
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Elaboration (4) ACLINU047

knowing how to direct others using imperatives (for example, jangan, dilarang) and invite others using polite forms, for example, -lah, Silahkan

Elaboration (4) | ACLINU047 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLINU050

noticing the use of loan words from English in texts such as advertisements and television programs to suggest values such as ‘modern’, ‘sophisticated’ and ‘educated’, for example, paket family, berinternet, koneksi bisnis

Elaboration (2) | ACLINU050 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLINC036

participating in role-plays of purchasing goods and services, such as bargaining scenarios, buying souvenirs, or ordering food at a kaki lima/warung

Elaboration (3) | ACLINC036 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLINC037

asking permission, for example, Boleh saya ke WC?, Boleh pinjam kamus/penggaris/pena merah?

Elaboration (2) | ACLINC037 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLINC040

discussing key messages in creative texts, such as the moral of a fable/story, an idea or value in a song, or a quality of a character (cerdik, sombong, baik hati)

Elaboration (3) | ACLINC040 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLINU046

recognising the Indonesian pronunciation of loan words from English (for example, komputer, roket system), and applying conventions to unfamiliar loan words

Elaboration (2) | ACLINU046 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLINU046

understanding how to use emphasis to enhance meaning, for example, extending the stress on word endings (besarrr, takuuuut)

Elaboration (3) | ACLINU046 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLINC038

identifying and comparing perspectives about information in spoken and written texts , for example, Apakah informasi ini benar?, Informasi ini dari mana?, Siapa yang menulis teks ini?, Berapa orang setuju?

Elaboration (3) | ACLINC038 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLINU047

referring to relationships between people and things using prepositions, for example, untuk, kepada

Elaboration (2) | ACLINU047 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACLINU048

noticing that different text types have a different register, for example, Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu (speech), kamu semua (dialogue with peers), Anda (advertisement) , Yth (email or letter to someone in authority)

Elaboration | ACLINU048 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Notice pronunciation of phonemes such as ng/ngg/ny, and notice the difference in pronunciation of loan words from English[Key concepts: loan, emphasis; Key processes: experimenting, predicting]

literacy critical-creative intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLINU046 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (5) ACLINC036

participating in sourcing goods and services, noting where these can be found and the different purchasing processes and language involved, for example, fixed prices (Harga pas) and negotiable prices (Boleh tawar?)

Elaboration (5) | ACLINC036 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLINU049

reflecting on how language varies depending on the situation, for example, ordering a meal in a fast food restaurant, Satu paket… compared to a dine-in restaurant, Minta segelas air, Bu

Elaboration (2) | ACLINU049 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLINC035

recounting experiences with family and friends, for example, Saya suka berbelanja dengan teman saya pada hari Sabtu

Elaboration (2) | ACLINC035 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLINC035

sustaining interactions with others by using strategies such as asking questions, for example, Oh begitu, ya, maaf? Dan kamu?

Elaboration (3) | ACLINC035 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLINC037

giving advice and reminders to peers, for example, Pakailah sepatumu, Kamu harus menulis di bukumu, Jangan bercakap-cakap

Elaboration (3) | ACLINC037 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACLINU050

keeping a class record of borrowings from regional languages, such as hangat (Minangkabau), batik (Javanese), juara (Sundanese)


Elaboration (1) | ACLINU050 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Understand how to express actions and events in time and place using prepositions, and continue to expand knowledge of ber- verbs and vocabulary[Key concepts: time, place; Key processes: applying, understanding]

literacy numeracy critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLINU047 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACLINC035

describing significant people such as family members, friends and teachers, their relationship, physical appearance and characteristics/qualities, for example, Teman saya baik hati dan lucu

Elaboration (1) | ACLINC035 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACLINC036

engaging in shared tasks which involve planning, collaborating and evaluating, for example, performing an Indonesian item at assembly, or creating a warung for a school open day

Elaboration | ACLINC036 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

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