Your search for "hybrid text" returned 864 result(s)
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Composition: Animals - AT

Students explored music inspired by animals by first listening to Penguin Circus by Nigel Westlake and responding to the different parts. They used body percussion to demonstrate aural skills and moved their bodies in time when listening, creating and …

Composition: Animals - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Composition: Penguins soundscape - AT

Students learning in music builds upon learning from the previous band. S​tudents perform from a musical score that they have graphically notated and composed collaboratively with the ensemble in response to their study of penguins in the local habitat. The …

Composition: Penguins soundscape - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

La mia scuola - AT

Students were asked to write an article on their school life and discuss the positive and negative aspects of their school.

La mia scuola - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Español mind map and reflection– AT

In this unit, students discussed the Spanish-speaking world, some of the differences between Spanish and English and the benefits of language learning. Students learnt about displaying this knowledge and understanding through mind maps and Venn diagrams. In …

Español mind map and reflection– AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Historical inquiry: Kokoda - Above

Students explored the experience of Australians during World War II. They developed a series of inquiry questions in relation to the events and significance of the Kokoda campaign. Students presented their findings as a report, using the inquiry questions …

Historical inquiry: Kokoda - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Concrete sculpture – AT

In prior learning activities, students learnt concepts and performed experiments relating to chemical and physical changes. They performed a research investigation into the rock cycle with a particular focus on the processes of weathering and erosion. This …

Concrete sculpture – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Research inquiry: Interconnections - AT

Students were required to select one product that is purchased by their household and investigate how the production and demand for this product creates networks of trade and economic interdependence at and across different scales. The inquiry took place …

Research inquiry: Interconnections - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Analysis: Contact - BELOW

Students studied the communicative power of technical elements used in Media Arts as part of a unit of work on the documentary Contact (2009) by Bentley Dean and Martin Butler. They explored and analysed the technical elements of voice-over, music, sound …

Analysis: Contact - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Magazine cover - ABOVE

Students studied the conventions and technical and symbolic elements of magazine covers and how they engage an audience. They explored how the media creates meaning and engages particular audiences with precision on magazine covers to market magazines. …

Magazine cover - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Verbal response: Staying safe - AT

Students identified feelings in day-to-day activities and distinguished between safe and unsafe situations. Students identified and explained warning signs and how to take action to keep themselves safe in their small rural community. Students were asked …

Verbal response: Staying safe - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Verbal response: Staying safe - BELOW

Students identified feelings in day-to-day activities and distinguished between safe and unsafe situations. Students identified  and explained warning signs and how to take action to keep themselves safe in their small rural community. Students were …

Verbal response: Staying safe - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration, verbal and written response: Striking and fielding (T-Ball) - ABOVE

Students suggested what they wanted to learn about striking and fielding, which was recorded on camera for the teacher to use to develop lessons. Students became more familiar with the games sense approach using questioning and direct instruction to promote …

Demonstration, verbal and written response: Striking and fielding (T-Ball) - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Identity - ABOVE

Students participated in a five-week unit of work about personal wellbeing and relationships, with a focus on belonging, resilience and personal and cultural identities. Physical activity challenges were used to generate discussion about linking feelings …

Written response: Identity - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Letter: Puberty advice - AT

This assessment task was part of a unit of work on relationships and sexuality. Students were asked to write a letter to their Year 6 self. In the letter, they were to give advice about some of the challenges and changes they will face physically and …

Letter: Puberty advice - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Research report: Health issue - BELOW

Students participated in a 10-week unit of learning on health promotion. Students were asked to conduct individual research on a chosen lifestyle behaviour and present their research to inform the community about the consequences of the chosen lifestyle …

Research report: Health issue - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Decision-making - AT

Students participated in a unit about making decisions in relation to issues and challenges that young people might face; for example, drugs, alcohol, or a friend they are worried about. They were asked to write an evidence-based extended response in …

Written response: Decision-making - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflections on a shadow day - ABOVE

Students were part of a mixed-ability, multi-aged class of combined Year 9 and Year 10 students. In cooperation with the teacher, students negotiated a day to shadow a person working in an occupation of interest. Prior to the experience, students prepared …

Reflections on a shadow day - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Creating a dictionary - AT

Students were asked to create a personal dictionary to help them learn and remember Chinese for an upcoming assignment. Students could include Chinese that they wanted to learn or revise such as numbers, greetings, colours, family members, tones and age. …

Creating a dictionary - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Like Statements - AT

Students had been learning sentence patterns through songs, games, reading and writing activities. Year 2 students were asked to write a sentence about their likes and dislikes using Hiragana and Romaji. They were able to refer to classroom posters and …

Like Statements - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Animals - AT

Students were asked to describe an animal of their choice in hiragana using their knowledge of adjectives, particles and sentence structure.  They were provided with a vocabulary list and had previously learned Japanese sentence structure and the role …

Animals - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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