Your search for "hybrid text" returned 864 result(s)
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What should I wear today? – AT

Students learnt about various items of clothing and to express and show understanding of simple sentences about clothes. Students were aware that Spanish and English share the same alphabet, but letters and sounds are pronounced differently. In this …

What should I wear today? – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Me gusta – AT

Students learnt about likes and dislikes with frequently used vocabulary items such as fruit and animals. Students learnt how to make phrases negative in Spanish. In this task, students were required to create a poster showing their likes and dislikes …

Me gusta – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Yo puedo – AT

Students completed a series of exercises to reinforce their understanding of a language function (verb plus infinitive) and to use new vocabulary in relation to leisure activities. These exercises included creating simple sentences to describe what activities …

Yo puedo – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Letter: Life in ancient China – At (History)

Students were asked to adopt the perspective of a peasant in ancient China and to write a letter describing the main features of their life. This task was undertaken at the end of a unit on ancient China in which students investigated housing, work, clothing, …

Letter: Life in ancient China – At (History) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection: The legacy of Rome – At

Students were asked to reflect on the legacy of ancient Rome for modern society, and write a response as part of an end-of-unit task. They were asked to make connections between the ancient and modern worlds, incorporate images in their texts, and to …

Reflection: The legacy of Rome – At | Samples | Work samples | Resources

των ζώων – AT

Students learnt about farm, wild and domestic animals within the unit ‘living things’. After building on animal vocabulary, students were introduced to articles and how to express likes. In this task, students were asked to make a poster by drawing and …

των ζώων – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Infographic: Making a nation - Above

Students collated information and ideas associated with the ‘Making a nation’ depth study and created an infographic to summarise their findings. The teacher provided a scaffold for the organisation of the material and students were required to use the …

Infographic: Making a nation - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Infographic: Making a nation - At

Students collated information and ideas associated with the ‘Making a nation’ depth study and created an infographic to summarise their findings. The teacher provided a scaffold for the organisation of the material and students were required to use the …

Infographic: Making a nation - At | Samples | Work samples | Resources

When I grow up – AT

Students learnt about careers and the vocabulary and grammar to be able to talk about what they may want to be in the future. A guest speaker was invited to the class to talk about her work and the tools she uses. Students participated in a range of oral …

When I grow up – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mother’s Day – AT

Students learnt about celebrations and traditions and how to create texts to express thanks and appreciation. Students discussed the role of mothers/carers in the family and in society, and how much they love and respect them. Students had previously …

Mother’s Day – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Water purification - ABOVE

In a teaching and learning unit on pure substances and mixtures, students investigated different types of mixtures and explored scientific terminology used to describe their components, states of matter, reversible and irreversible changes, aspects of …

Water purification - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Classification - ABOVE

Students investigated the role of classification in the biological sciences. After a visit to a local wildlife park, where students observed features and behaviours of Australian animals, they analysed how scientists develop hierarchical classification …

Classification - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Science research project – AT

In previous Science teaching and learning units, students practised how to: identify questions that can be investigated scientifically, plan and conduct scientific investigations, collect and process data, and present their results in the format of a …

Science research project – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Megafauna essays – AT

Students were asked to create in expositional essay to analyse and evaluate the evidence for opposing theories relating to the extinction of Australia’s megafauna. This task was part of a teaching and learning unit on biodiversity which focused on the …

Megafauna essays – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

The theory of evolution by natural selection - AT

Students were asked to respond to questions about the principles and development of the theory of evolution. Students had previously completed a unit of work in which early theories of evolution were discussed, as well as the theory of evolution by natural …

The theory of evolution by natural selection - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Recognising colours and shapes – AT

Students learnt about colours, shapes and how to describe nouns using adjectives. They participated in various activities including quizzes, songs and games. In this task, students were asked to complete a sequence of shapes and colours. Then, individually, …

Recognising colours and shapes – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Classmate interview and personal identity wheel – AT

Students learnt how to express personal information about hobbies, family, their favourite foods and how to describe their physical attributes. Students also participated in whole class and small group activities and discussions about personal identity …

Classmate interview and personal identity wheel – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Data analysis: Water in the world – AT

Over a period of six weeks, students explored how water connects places, environments and people. Students used digital technologies to present the process of orographic rainfall and explain how it influences the characteristics on either side of a mountain. Students …

Data analysis: Water in the world – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Research inquiry: Interconnections - BELOW

Students were required to select one product that is purchased by their household and investigate how the production and demand for this product creates networks of trade and economic interdependence at and across different scales. The inquiry took place …

Research inquiry: Interconnections - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Research task - ABOVE

During a teaching and learning unit on chemical sciences, students learnt about pure substances and mixtures and investigated a variety of separation techniques for soluble and insoluble substances. During a unit on Earth and space sciences, students …

Research task - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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