Your search for "hybrid text" returned 864 result(s)
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Design project: Nutritious and sustainable - ABOVE

Students were tasked with designing a nutritious and sustainable meal that would support preferred futures for adolescents. They were provided with four recipes to modify. Students created a glossary of terms relevant to the brief. They investigated the …

Design project: Nutritious and sustainable - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Worksheet: Digital systems - BELOW

Students have been collaborating, creating and communicating ideas, information and solutions face-to-face and online via a class wiki. They were asked to identify hardware and software used throughout the year and describe other purposes for which they …

Worksheet: Digital systems - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Scratch game - BELOW

Students designed a game for a buddy using Scratch visual programming language. They selected a challenge from three options and defined the problem. They designed and implemented the digital solution and recorded their development process.

Digital project: Scratch game - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Worksheet: Whole numbers - ABOVE

Students were introduced to whole numbers using a CS Unplugged video and unplugged group activities. Students completed a worksheet to assess their understanding of binary numbers.

Worksheet: Whole numbers - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written instructions: Environmental games - ABOVE

As part of a History unit, ‘Children 100 years ago’, students learnt that there was limited money and toys for children in Australia. Students were asked to create or adapt a game, using only natural resources. Students used a template to help develop …

Written instructions: Environmental games - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection: Emotional responses - ABOVE

Students participated in a games unit focusing on social interactions and emotions. They identified their own and others' emotions using a classroom chart of ‘feelings faces’. Students identified how their reactions might make others feel, talked about …

Reflection: Emotional responses - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Posters: Personal safety - ABOVE

Students undertook a six-week unit involving protective behaviours to keep themselves safe. This included sun, water, playground and community safety. Students were asked to make a poster to share sun safety messages. Students were also asked to write …

Posters: Personal safety - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Posters: Personal safety - AT

Students undertook a six-week unit involving protective behaviours to keep themselves safe. This included sun, water, playground and community safety. Students were asked to make a poster to share sun safety messages. They were also asked to write or …

Posters: Personal safety - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Analysis: Food and nutrition - AT

Students learnt about the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and its categories. They discussed influences on the food and drink people consume and what food is needed to stay healthy. Students were asked to record what they had eaten in the previous …

Analysis: Food and nutrition - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection: I am good at ... - ABOVE

As part of a unit of work on personal identity, students learnt how people, places, personal interests and personal strengths helped shape their identity. Students were introduced to character strengths and each strength was explained. Students were …

Reflection: I am good at ... - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection: I am good at ... - AT

As part of a unit of work on personal identity, students learnt how people, places, personal interests and personal strengths helped shape their identity. Students were introduced to character strengths and each strength was explained. Students were …

Reflection: I am good at ... - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection: I am good at ... - BELOW

As part of a unit of work on personal identity, students learnt how people, places, personal interests and personal strengths helped shape their identity. Students were introduced to character strengths and each strength was explained. Students were …

Reflection: I am good at ... - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Community connections - ABOVE

As part of a unit of work on community connections, students learnt about how places in their local community were designed to promote physical activity. They visited a local playground near their school to conduct an audit of the types of resources available. Students …

Written response: Community connections - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Personal fitness - ABOVE

Students participated in a range of activities that developed health-related and skill-related fitness components. Students were asked to design a personal training workout and then performed the workout while wearing a heart rate monitor. Students were …

Written response: Personal fitness - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Personal fitness - AT

Students participated in a range of activities that developed health-related and skill-related fitness components. Students were asked to design a personal training workout and then performed the workout while wearing a heart rate monitor. Students were …

Written response: Personal fitness - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration, verbal and written response: Tactics - AT

The teacher taught a five-week unit which included striking and fielding, target, net/court and invasion games. Handball was a small part of an overall unit of work which involved students demonstrating their skills and their understanding of tactics. Students …

Demonstration, verbal and written response: Tactics - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Demonstration and written reflection: Indoor climbing - ABOVE

Students were provided with opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge of climbing and belaying at the local indoor climbing facility. Students were asked to demonstrate their climbing and belaying skills. Following practical and belaying sessions, …

Demonstration and written reflection: Indoor climbing - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Response to stimulus: Emotional responses - AT

As part of a unit of work about respectful relationships, students explored how emotional responses can impact on how people interact with each other and the decisions and behaviours they make in a range of situations. Students were asked to write two …

Response to stimulus: Emotional responses - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Data analysis: Food scarcity - AT

Over a period of six weeks, students examined the biomes of the world, how humans have altered environments for food production, and the main challenges of providing food security. Various case studies were used from Australia and other parts of the world …

Data analysis: Food scarcity - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflections on a shadow day - AT

Students were part of a mixed-ability, multi-aged class of combined Year 9 and Year 10 students. In cooperation with the teacher, students negotiated a day to shadow a person working in an occupation of interest. Prior to the experience, students prepared …

Reflections on a shadow day - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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