Your search for "hybrid text" returned 864 result(s)
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Clay objects: Connection to our coast - BELOW

Students considered how artists communicate their viewpoints and their connection to the natural environment though their artwork. They created clay forms inspired by the artworks of Alison Brown and Aboriginal Thaynakwith artist, Thancoupie. They also …

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Cubism: Portraits - ABOVE

Students researched and explored synthetic and analytical cubism and the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. They explored the visual conventions of and social and historical influences on cubism through structured inquiry that was prepared for them by their …

Cubism: Portraits - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Gardening tool - ABOVE

Students critiqued garden tools designed for adults. They researched ergonomics and developments by designers of garden tools in shape, size and materials used. Students explained the issues they have with their selected tool(s) and produced designed …

Design project: Gardening tool - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Pig enclosure - AT

Students completed an analysis of the two pig enclosures (managed environments) at the school where pigs were housed. They used their prior knowledge, internet research and an audit key to assist them in assessing the positives and negatives of each of …

Design project: Pig enclosure - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Pig enclosure - BELOW

Students completed an analysis of the two pig enclosures (managed environments) at the school where pigs were housed. They used their prior knowledge, internet research and an audit key to assist them in assessing the positives and negatives of each of …

Design project: Pig enclosure - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Cells – ABOVE

Prior to the sample task, students engaged in investigations of cells and body systems, focusing specifically on cell structure, organelle function, cell specialisation, the digestive system, and reproduction in plants. This task was part of the final …

Cells – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

How an idea changes – AT

This task was designed to address the aspects of the Year 8 achievement standards that relate to science as human endeavour. Students were asked to research a ‘big idea’ in science and create a presentation in which they explain how that idea has developed …

How an idea changes – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Bouncing balls – ABOVE

Students were asked to design an investigation that determines the relationship between the drop height of a ball and its bounce back height. This task was part of a teaching and learning unit on transformation of energy where students explored how energy …

Bouncing balls – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - AT

Students considered how artists communicate their viewpoints and their connection to the natural environment though their artwork. They created clay forms inspired by the artworks of Alison Brown and Aboriginal Thaynakwith artist, Thancoupie. They also …

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Automata - AT

Students investigated some of the key mechanical systems that are used and relied on in daily life, such as the muscles that move their own head, unlocking and opening a door, toys that move and mechanisms in the family car. They critiqued these key mechanical …

Design project: Automata - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Desktop lamp - AT

Students completed an investigation of lighting technology and design developments over the past century. They developed knowledge and understanding of lighting technologies and the impact they have locally and globally. Students identified key elements …

Design project: Desktop lamp - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Cultures in conjunction - BELOW

Students analysed conjunctions between art forms and artists across time and cultures. They explored the ways that Asian art influenced the West in the past, and the ways that Western art has influenced contemporary Asian art in the present.  They began …

Cultures in conjunction - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Cultures in conjunction - AT

Students analysed conjunctions between art forms and artists across time and cultures. They explored the ways that Asian art influenced the West in the past, and the ways that Western art has influenced contemporary Asian art in the present.  They began …

Cultures in conjunction - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Solar cells - Above

This task was the final assessment task of a five-week teaching and learning unit on solar energy. During the unit, students learnt about scientific concepts related to atomic structure and electricity that allowed them to understand how a solar panel …

Solar cells - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Exploring Islamic art - ABOVE

Students explored the fundamental principles of Islamic art (geometry, calligraphy and arabesque). They researched and analysed traditional Islamic artwork and architecture, and explored the use of geometric shapes to create patterns using traditional …

Exploring Islamic art - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Muffins - ABOVE

Students researched, investigated, designed, produced and evaluated a healthy muffin suitable to be sold in a local café catering to adolescents. They explored the properties of ingredients to design a product that was healthy. They considered packaging …

Design project: Muffins - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: To market - ABOVE

Students designed a sustainable enterprise including the environment to grow a vegetable. They investigated plant varieties, requirements for growth and the control of weeds. Students investigated opportunities for selling produce including value-added …

Design project: To market - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Mini torch - BELOW

Students designed and produced a working prototype of a mini torch case using CAD-CAM and a control system. They investigated CAD-CAM technologies and rapid prototyping systems. Students investigated the characteristics and properties of electronics and …

Design project: Mini torch - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Periodic table pamphlet – AT

Students were asked to create a 'How to use the Periodic Table' guide which details the trends of the Periodic Table including the chemical background of one particular Group or Period. Students were asked to consider types of elements, ions and the electronic …

Periodic table pamphlet – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Rainbow costumes - ABOVE

Students designed and produced costumes for a performance based on the book The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. They gathered information on materials, colours, special effects and design features. They generated and evaluated ideas for their costumes. …

Design project: Rainbow costumes - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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