Your search for "hybrid text" returned 864 result(s)
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Animales de Venezuela – AT (Spanish 5-6)

Students built on their understanding of animals, describing their characteristics, habitat, what they eat and what they can do. Students used sentence constructions with present tense verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, plural forms, …

Animales de Venezuela – AT (Spanish 5-6) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Brochure: A referendum to change Australia’s Constitution - ABOVE

Students created a brochure outlining both the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cases for Australia becoming a republic. This brochure would be distributed to members of the public before the vote which took place in 1999. The task was completed after an introductory unit …

Brochure: A referendum to change Australia’s Constitution - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Paragraph: Ancient Egypt – Above (History)

Students examined a series of images of the wall decorations of two different ancient Egyptian tombs. They used the information in the images to make inferences and draw conclusions about life in this ancient society. Students expressed their ideas in …

Paragraph: Ancient Egypt – Above (History) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Procedural writing: Alfalfa – AT

In this unit of work, students integrated aspects of other Learning areas with their learning in Vietnamese on the topic of “Farms and farming” which included a visit to a farm. Using the knowledge gained from the farm visit, students had the opportunity …

Procedural writing: Alfalfa – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mother’s Day letter - AT

Students learnt about celebrations and traditions and how to create texts to express thanks and appreciation. Students discussed the role of mothers/carers in the family and in society, and their own personal response to the role. Students had previously …

Mother’s Day letter - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Tết – AT

Students learnt about festivals and celebrations in Vietnam. Students were introduced to the customs, traditions and rituals of these celebrations. In this task, students were asked to describe Vietnamese New Year objects and their significance for the …

Tết – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Composition: Penguins - ABOVE

Students learning in music builds upon learning from the previous band. Students perform from a musical score that they have graphically notated and composed collaboratively with the ensemble.  The task involved students playing instruments and improvising …

Composition: Penguins - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My house, my home – AT

As part of a unit ‘my house, my home,’ students learned how to describe housing features using a range of nouns, adjectives and grammatical structures. Students discussed what makes a house a home and compared living arrangements and conditions in Australia …

My house, my home – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: The beach - ABOVE

Students collected data about what they found on the beach and presented the data as an information product.

Digital project: The beach - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My summer holidays dairy entries - AT

Students had learnt about plain form and past plain form and how to write diary entries and sequence events. In this task, students were asked to reflect on their summer holidays and write 2-3 separate diary entries for 2-3 days or events recounting …

My summer holidays dairy entries - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

φρούτα και λαχανικά – AT

Students learnt about the Greek diet and healthy eating. They learnt the names of popular Greek fruit and vegetables and how to describe them, discuss likes/dislikes and ask for them at a Greek greengrocer. The students learnt about gender and gender …

φρούτα και λαχανικά – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

الاحتفالات الوطنية – AT

Students discussed the ways in which Arabic speaking countries celebrate their national days. Students learned how to talk about and describe activities and the atmosphere of particular events in which people celebrate with a sense of pride and personal …

الاحتفالات الوطنية – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Holiday conversation – AT

In a unit on holiday plans, students researched sites to see and activities to do in Arabic-speaking countries, learnt the language for making reservations at a hotel and purchasing tickets for travelling. They learnt about formal language use required …

Holiday conversation – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Letter: Puberty advice - ABOVE

This assessment task was part of a unit of work on relationships and sexuality. Students were asked to write a letter to their Year 6 self. In the letter, they were to give advice about some of the challenges and changes they will face physically and …

Letter: Puberty advice - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Decision-making - ABOVE

Students participated in a unit about making decisions in relation to issues and challenges that young people might face; for example, drugs, alcohol, or a friend they are worried about. They were asked to write an evidence-based extended response in …

Written response: Decision-making - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Research and proposal: Physical activity interventions - BELOW

As part of a broader unit of work on community-based health and wellbeing interventions, students researched a range of physical activity interventions/initiatives/community events – for example, workplace walking challenges, social media campaigns, targeted …

Research and proposal: Physical activity interventions - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Oskar yang ramah - AT

Students were asked to write an email or letter to their much older self using the vocabulary and language structures in Indonesian that they had learnt during that term. This task was completed in class and conducted under test conditions as a summative …

Oskar yang ramah - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mau ke mana? - AT

Students completed a unit on travel around Indonesia. They learnt how to make arrangements, make bookings and bargain about the price of transport. Students were given a document on their computer with a photo of a becak driver and asked to write a conversation …

Mau ke mana? - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Bagaimana binatang ini? - AT

Students were asked to describe an animal of their choice using comparatives, a variety of adjectives, verbs and linking words to maintain interest in the reader.

Bagaimana binatang ini? - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

La mia famiglia – l’albero genealogico - AT

Students completed a unit of work on the family, learning grammar, sentence structures, expressions and vocabulary needed to describe one’s family.  Students were then asked to create a family tree and write a description of family members. Students then …

La mia famiglia – l’albero genealogico - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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