Your search for "assessment" returned 44 result(s)
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How are the progressions and the Australian Curriculum related?

In the Australian Curriculum, learning area content describes the knowledge, understanding and skills that are to be taught in each year or band of years. Achievement standards describe the learning expected of students at each year level or band of years. …

How are the progressions and the Australian Curriculum related? | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

How can the progressions be used?

The progressions do not describe what to teach; they provide a detailed map of how students become increasingly adept in particular aspects of literacy and numeracy development. Learning area content and achievement standards continue to be the focus …

How can the progressions be used? | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

Version 3 of National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions

During the discovery phase for the online formative assessment initiative in 2019, ACARA mapped and compared the current version (Version 2) of the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions (NLNLPs) with other existing progressions and assessments …

Version 3 of National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

Introduction Auslan

As a native user of Auslan, and as an advocate for the language and for the Deaf community, I am thrilled to see a national curriculum in Auslan come to fruition. For the first time, deaf children will have access to a formal first language learner pathway …

Introduction | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Developing teaching and learning Auslan

Sequences of learning The Australian Curriculum: Languages – Auslan has two learning sequences: one from Foundation to Year 10, and another from Year 7 to Year 10 (Year 7 Entry). The curriculum is written in a series of bands, as follows: Foundation …

Developing teaching and learning | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

What is the Framework? Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages

The Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages (the Framework) is the first national curriculum document Foundation to Year 10 to provide a way forward for all schools in Australia to support the teaching and learning of the …

What is the Framework? | Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Using the Framework Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages

The Framework is general in its structure and approach because it needs to be applicable to all Aboriginal languages and Torres Strait Islander languages in Australia, across the full range of language ecologies. As a consequence, curriculum content and …

Using the Framework | Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Structure of English English

Units In Unit 1 students explore how meaning is communicated through the relationships between language, text, purpose, context and audience. This includes how language and texts are shaped by their purpose, the audiences for whom they are intended and …

Structure of English | English | English | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of English as an Additional Language or Dialect English as an Additional Language or Dialect

Units 1–4 Unit 1 focuses on investigating how language and culture are interrelated and expressed in a range of contexts. A variety of oral, written and multimodal texts are used to develop understanding of text structures and language features. The relationship …

Structure of English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Essential English Essential English

Units Unit 1 focuses on students comprehending and responding to the ideas and information presented in texts drawn from a range of contexts. Students are taught a variety of strategies to assist comprehension. They read, view and listen to texts to connect, …

Structure of Essential English | Essential English | English | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Literature Literature

Units Unit 1 develops students’ knowledge and understanding of different ways of reading and creating literary texts drawn from a widening range of historical, social, cultural and personal contexts. Students analyse the relationships between language, …

Structure of Literature | Literature | English | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Essential Mathematics Essential Mathematics

Essential Mathematics has four units each of which contains a number of topics. It is intended that the topics be taught in a context relevant to students’ needs and interests. In Essential Mathematics, students use their knowledge and skills to investigate …

Structure of Essential Mathematics | Essential Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of General Mathematics General Mathematics

General Mathematics is organised into four units. The topics in each unit broaden students’ mathematical experience and provide different scenarios for incorporating mathematical arguments and problem solving. The units provide a blending of algebraic, …

Structure of General Mathematics | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Mathematical Methods Mathematical Methods

Mathematical Methods is organised into four units. The topics broaden students’ mathematical experience and provide different scenarios for incorporating mathematical arguments and problem solving. The units provide a blending of algebraic and geometric …

Structure of Mathematical Methods | Mathematical Methods | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Specialist Mathematics Specialist Mathematics

Specialist Mathematics is structured over four units. The topics in Unit 1 broaden students’ mathematical experience and provide different scenarios for incorporating mathematical arguments and problem solving. The unit provides a blending of algebraic …

Structure of Specialist Mathematics | Specialist Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Biology Biology

Units Biology is the study of the fascinating diversity of life as it has evolved and as it interacts and functions. Investigation of biological systems and their interactions, from cellular processes to ecosystem dynamics, has led to biological knowledge …

Structure of Biology | Biology | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Chemistry Chemistry

Units In Chemistry, students develop their understanding of chemical systems, and how models of matter and energy transfers and transformations can be used to describe, explain and predict chemical structures, properties and reactions. There are four …

Structure of Chemistry | Chemistry | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Earth and Environmental Science Earth and Environmental Science

Units In Earth and Environmental Science, students develop their understanding of the ways in which interactions between Earth systems influence Earth processes, environments and resources. There are four units: Unit 1: Introduction to Earth systems Unit …

Structure of Earth and Environmental Science | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Physics Physics

Units In Physics, students develop their understanding of the core concepts, models and theories that describe, explain and predict physical phenomena. There are four units: Unit 1: Thermal, nuclear and electrical physics Unit 2: Linear motion and waves Unit …

Structure of Physics | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Structure of Ancient History Ancient History

Units In Ancient History, students study the key institutions, structures and features of ancient societies and develop a broader and deeper comprehension of the origins, impact and legacy of ideas, beliefs and values of the ancient world. The Ancient …

Structure of Ancient History | Ancient History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

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