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Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Understand and use numbers in context Numeracy Estimating and calculating with whole numbers Level 4

identify, describe and use numbers larger than one million

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Understand and use numbers in context | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Estimate and calculate Numeracy Estimating and calculating with whole numbers Level 4

solve problems and check calculations using efficient mental and written strategies

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Estimate and calculate | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Use money Numeracy Estimating and calculating with whole numbers Level 4

create simple financial plans, budgets and cost predictions

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Use money | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Recognising and using patterns and relationships - Recognise and use patterns Numeracy Recognising and using patterns and relationships Level 4

identify and describe pattern rules and relationships that help to identify trends

Recognising and using patterns and relationships - Recognise and use patterns | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates - Interpret proportional reasoning Numeracy Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates Level 4

visualise, describe and order equivalent fractions, decimals and simple percentages

Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates - Interpret proportional reasoning | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates - Apply proportional reasoning Numeracy Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates Level 4

solve problems using equivalent fractions, decimals and simple percentages

Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates - Apply proportional reasoning | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using spatial reasoning - Visualising 2D Shapes and 3D objects Numeracy Using spatial reasoning Level 4

visualise, sort, describe and compare the features of objects such as prisms and pyramids in the environment

Using spatial reasoning - Visualising 2D Shapes and 3D objects | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using spatial reasoning - Interpret maps and diagrams Numeracy Using spatial reasoning Level 4

identify and describe routes and locations, using grid reference systems and directional language such as north or north east

Using spatial reasoning - Interpret maps and diagrams | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Interpreting statistical information - Interpret data displays Numeracy Interpreting statistical information Level 4

collect, compare, describe and interpret data as 2-way tables, double column graphs and sector graphs, including from digital media

Interpreting statistical information - Interpret data displays | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Interpreting statistical information - Interpret chance events Numeracy Interpreting statistical information Level 4

describe chance events and compare observed outcomes with predictions using numerical representations such as a 75% chance of rain or 50/50 chance of snow

Interpreting statistical information - Interpret chance events | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using measurement - Estimate and measure with metric units Numeracy Using measurement Level 4

choose and use appropriate metric units for length, area, volume, capacity and mass to solve everyday problems

Using measurement - Estimate and measure with metric units | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using measurement - operate with clocks, calendars and timetables Numeracy Using measurement Level 4

convert between 12- and 24-hour systems to solve time problems, interpret and use timetables from print and digital sources

Using measurement - operate with clocks, calendars and timetables | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Understand and use numbers in context Numeracy Estimating and calculating with whole numbers Level 5

compare, order and use positive and negative numbers to solve everyday problems

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Understand and use numbers in context | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Estimate and calculate Numeracy Estimating and calculating with whole numbers Level 5

solve complex problems by estimating and calculating using efficient mental, written and digital strategies

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Estimate and calculate | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Use money Numeracy Estimating and calculating with whole numbers Level 5

identify and justify ‘best value for money’ decisions

Estimating and calculating with whole numbers - Use money | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Recognising and using patterns and relationships - Recognise and use patterns Numeracy Recognising and using patterns and relationships Level 5

identify trends using number rules and relationships

Recognising and using patterns and relationships - Recognise and use patterns | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates - Interpret proportional reasoning Numeracy Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates Level 5

visualise and describe the proportions of percentages, ratios and rates

Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates - Interpret proportional reasoning | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates - Apply proportional reasoning Numeracy Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates Level 5

solve problems using simple percentages, ratios and rates

Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates - Apply proportional reasoning | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using spatial reasoning - Visualising 2D Shapes and 3D objects Numeracy Using spatial reasoning Level 5

visualise, describe and apply their understanding of the features and properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects

Using spatial reasoning - Visualising 2D Shapes and 3D objects | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Using spatial reasoning - Interpret maps and diagrams Numeracy Using spatial reasoning Level 5

create and interpret 2D and 3D maps, models and diagrams

Using spatial reasoning - Interpret maps and diagrams | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

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