Learning Continuum of Numeracy (Version 8.4)

This element involves students learning about measurement of length, area, volume, capacity, time and mass.

Students estimate, measure, compare and calculate using metric units when solving problems in authentic contexts. They read clocks and convert between time systems, identify and sequence dates and events using a calendar and use timetables for a variety of purposes. In developing and acting with numeracy, students:

  • estimate and measure with metric units
  • operate with clocks, calendars and timetables.

Level 6

Typically by the end of Year 10, students:

Estimate and measure with metric units

solve complex problems involving surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders and composite solids

Operate with clocks calendars and timetables

use 12- and 24-hour systems within a multiple time zone to solve time problems, use large and small timescales in complex contexts and place historical and scientific events on an extended time scale