Respect matters: Personal and Social Capability

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In developing and acting with personal and social capability, students recognise feelings and know how and when to help others. Students learn to show respect for and understand others’ perspectives, emotional states and needs. They learn to participate in positive, safe and respectful relationships, defining and accepting individual and group roles and responsibilities. Students interact effectively and respectfully with a range of adults and peers. They negotiate and communicate effectively with others; work in teams, positively contribute to groups and collaboratively make decisions; resolve conflict and reach positive outcomes.


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Self awareness

Compare their emotional responses with those of their peers

Identify and describe personal interests, skills and achievements and explain how these contribute to family and school life

Social awareness

Describe similarities and differences in points of view between themselves and people in their communities

Self management

Describe ways to express emotions to show awareness of the feelings and needs of others

Social awareness

Identify ways to care for others, including ways of making and keeping friends

Social management

Discuss the use of verbal and nonverbal communication skills to respond appropriately to adults and peers

Identify cooperative behaviours in a range of group activities

Social management

Practise individual and group decision making in situations such as class meetings and when working in pairs and small groups

Self awareness

Reflect on what they have learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school

Social awareness

Describe how they contribute to their homes, classrooms and local communities, and how others care for and assist them

Social management

Practise solving simple interpersonal problems, recognising there are many ways to solve conflict