Respect matters: Personal and Social Capability

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In developing and acting with personal and social capability, students recognise feelings and know how and when to help others. Students learn to show respect for and understand others’ perspectives, emotional states and needs. They learn to participate in positive, safe and respectful relationships, defining and accepting individual and group roles and responsibilities. Students interact effectively and respectfully with a range of adults and peers. They negotiate and communicate effectively with others; work in teams, positively contribute to groups and collaboratively make decisions; resolve conflict and reach positive outcomes.


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Self awareness

Explain how the appropriateness of emotional responses influences behaviour

Describe the influence that personal qualities and strengths have on their learning outcomes

Social awareness

Explain how means of communication differ within and between communities and identify the role these play in helping or hindering understanding of others 

Self management

Explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships

Social awareness

Identify the differences between positive and negative relationships and ways of managing these

Social management

Identify and explain factors that influence effective communication in a variety of situations

Contribute to groups and teams, suggesting improvements in methods used for group investigations and projects

Social management

Identify factors that influence decision making and consider the usefulness of these in making their own decisions

Self awareness

Monitor their progress, seeking and responding to feedback from teachers to assist them in consolidating strengths, addressing weaknesses and fulfilling their potential

Social awareness

Identify a community need or problem and consider ways to take action to address it

Social management

Identify causes and effects of conflict, and practise different strategies to diffuse or resolve conflict situations