Respect matters: Personal and Social Capability

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In developing and acting with personal and social capability, students recognise feelings and know how and when to help others. Students learn to show respect for and understand others’ perspectives, emotional states and needs. They learn to participate in positive, safe and respectful relationships, defining and accepting individual and group roles and responsibilities. Students interact effectively and respectfully with a range of adults and peers. They negotiate and communicate effectively with others; work in teams, positively contribute to groups and collaboratively make decisions; resolve conflict and reach positive outcomes.


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Self awareness

Reflect critically on their emotional responses to challenging situations in a wide range of learning, social and work-related contexts

Assess their strengths and challenges and devise personally appropriate strategies to achieve future success

Social awareness

Articulate their personal value system and analyse the effects of actions that repress social power and limit the expression of diverse views 

Self management

Consider control and justify their emotional responses, in expressing their opinions, beliefs, values, questions and choices

Social awareness

Explain how relationships differ between peers, parents, teachers and other adults, and identify the skills needed to manage different types of relationships

Social management

Formulate plans for effective communication (verbal, nonverbal, digital) to complete complex tasks

Critique their ability to devise and enact strategies for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex  tasks

Social awareness

Plan, implement and evaluate ways of contributing to civil society at local, national regional and global levels

Social management

Generate, apply and evaluate strategies such as active listening, mediation and negotiation to prevent and resolve interpersonal problems and conflicts