Respect matters: Intercultural Understanding

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Intercultural understanding involves learning about and engaging with diverse cultures in ways that recognise commonalities and differences, create connections with others and cultivate mutually respectful relationships. Students reflect on and to take responsibility for their own behaviours and their interactions with others within and across cultures. They understand that behaviour can have unintended effects on relationships between individuals and communities. Students develop values and dispositions such as curiosity, care, empathy, reciprocity, respect and responsibility, open-mindedness and critical awareness. Respect is based on the recognition that every person is important and must be treated with dignity. It includes recognising and appreciating differences between people and respecting another person’s point of view and their human rights.

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Interacting and empathising with others

Identify factors that contribute to understanding in intercultural communication and discuss some strategies to avoid misunderstanding

Explain perspectives that differ to expand their understanding of an issue

Imagine and describe the situations of others in local, national and global contexts

Interacting and empathising with others

Explain perspectives that differ to expand their understanding of an issue

Imagine and describe the situations of others in local, national and global contexts

Recognising culture and developing respect

Discuss opportunities that cultural diversity offers within Australia and the Asia-Pacific region

Reflecting on intercultural experiences and taking responsibility

Explain the impact of stereotypes and prejudices on individuals and groups within Australia

Discuss ways of reconciling differing cultural values and perspectives in addressing common concerns