Version 3 of National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions

During the discovery phase for the online formative assessment initiative in 2019, ACARA mapped and compared the current version (Version 2) of the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions (NLNLPs) with other existing progressions and assessments in literacy and numeracy, and analysed available empirical data from current assessments to identify the level of alignment and any areas for refinement.  The process confirmed that the NLNLPs are robust and evidence-based and have been validated using empirical data where available. It also provided evidence to support the need for some refinements to improve the content of Version 2.

As a result of these findings, Version 3 of the NLNLPs was finalised at the start of 2020.

Consistent with Education Council agreement in December 2019 that Version 3 of the NLNLPs be used for the alpha phase of the online formative assessment initiative in 2020, Version 3 has initially been made available on the alpha project website. This enables interested schools and jurisdictions to access Version 3, if they wish, and allows other schools and jurisdictions that are currently using Version 2 of the NLNLPs time to transition their implementation support to Version 3. ACARA will publish Version 3 of the NLNLPs on the Australian Curriculum website once the proposed review of the Australian Curriculum has been undertaken and the website upgraded, currently proposed for completion by early 2022 pending agreement by Education Council.

Find the updated (version 3) NLNLPs and FAQs providing more information on the alpha project website below.

The latest version of the Literacy learning progression is available on the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website:

The latest version of the Numeracy learning progression is available on the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website: