Your search for "numeracy scope and sequence" returned 229 result(s)
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Historical inquiry: Kokoda - Above

Students explored the experience of Australians during World War II. They developed a series of inquiry questions in relation to the events and significance of the Kokoda campaign. Students presented their findings as a report, using the inquiry questions …

Historical inquiry: Kokoda - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Source analysis: The atomic bomb - ABOVE

Students examined two sources relating to the use of the atomic bomb in 1945: a primary source from US President Truman; and a secondary source from a recent historian. They were asked to analyse each source in relation to its content and perspective …

Source analysis: The atomic bomb - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Saving our planet – AT

In a unit on world environmental issues, students learnt relevant vocabulary, grammar and expressions to: understand and discuss causes of environmental problems and some solutions extend their understanding of lexis connected to climate change and …

Saving our planet – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Science research project – AT

In previous Science teaching and learning units, students practised how to: identify questions that can be investigated scientifically, plan and conduct scientific investigations, collect and process data, and present their results in the format of a …

Science research project – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mouse trap dragster – Canobolas

This task was part of a unit of work designed to investigate forces and laws of motion. Students participated in a series of lessons covering Newton’s Laws of Motion, forces and simple machines. Teachers provided students with skills in research and scientific …

Mouse trap dragster – Canobolas | Samples | STEM | Resources

App design – St Michael’s

This task was part of a unit of work that involved the design of an app for new students to the school. Students were asked to use their knowledge of coordinate geometry and the Cartesian plane to help solve a programming problem associated with development …

App design – St Michael’s | Samples | STEM | Resources

Source analysis and extended response: The Industrial Revolution - Above

Students examined four primary sources detailing working conditions in factories, mines and other operations during the Industrial Revolution. They completed four source analysis tables, recording their findings and ideas about the nature, content and …

Source analysis and extended response: The Industrial Revolution - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Experimental investigation - Merici

Students had learned content related to atomic structure and electricity so they understood how a solar panel works. They had completed introductory practicals on setting up solar panel circuits, using data loggers and voltage/current curve for the solar …

Experimental investigation - Merici | Samples | STEM | Resources

Digital project: Python game - ABOVE

Students were provided with a game that had been developed by previous students at the school using Python. They were required to correct any errors and to modify the game by creating additional features and functionality, for example new character races, …

Digital project: Python game - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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