Your search for "numeracy scope and sequence" returned 622 result(s)
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deduce a rule for the nth term of a particular arithmetic sequence from the pattern of the terms in an arithmetic sequence, and use this rule to make predictions

ACMGM069 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum


deduce a rule for the nth term of a particular geometric sequence from the pattern of the terms in the sequence, and use this rule to make predictions

ACMGM073 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum

Using measurement - operate with clocks, calendars and timetables Numeracy Using measurement Level 1b

sequence familiar actions and events using the everyday language of time

Using measurement - operate with clocks, calendars and timetables | Level 1b | Learning Continuum | Numeracy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

Reflecting on thinking and processes element - Reflect on processes Critical and Creative Thinking Reflecting on thinking and processes Level 2

outline the details and sequence in a whole task and separate it into workable parts

Reflecting on thinking and processes element - Reflect on processes | Level 2 | Learning Continuum | Critical and Creative Thinking | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum

What is the purpose of the progressions?

Successful teaching and learning to address student needs in relation to literacy and numeracy requires the teacher to have an understanding of where the student is now and where the student needs to go next in their literacy and numeracy development. The …

What is the purpose of the progressions? | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

Design and Technologies - Foundation

Sequence steps for making designed solutions and working collaboratively - ACTDEP009

Design and Technologies - Foundation | Respectful action | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Design and Technologies - Years 1 and 2

Sequence steps for making designed solutions and working collaboratively - ACTDEP009

Design and Technologies - Years 1 and 2 | Respectful action | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Quantifying numbers description

Although number is an abstract concept which can be represented by a word, a symbol (numeral) or an image, it is central to quantitative thinking. This sub-element describes how a student becomes increasingly able to count, recognise, read and interpret …

Quantifying numbers | Number sense and algebra | National Numeracy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

Additive strategies description

This sub-element describes how a student becomes increasingly able to choose and use additive computational strategies for different purposes. The transition from counting by one to more flexible methods of dealing with quantity, where numbers are treated …

Additive strategies | Number sense and algebra | National Numeracy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

Operating with decimals description

This sub-element focuses on understanding the use of place value in operating with decimals. Decimals are better suited to estimating magnitude than fractions because decimals use the base-ten system to record quantity and fractions do not. However, the …

Operating with decimals | Number sense and algebra | National Numeracy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

Understanding money description

The descriptive term decimal applied to money refers to the basic conversion units being multiples of ten. However, money is not a true decimal system. Amounts such as $2.99 are spoken as two whole numbers (2 dollars 99) and, due to the withdrawal of …

Understanding money | Number sense and algebra | National Numeracy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

Comparing units (ratios, rates and proportion) description

This sub-element addresses comparing units in ratios, rates and proportions. A ratio describes a situation in comparative terms, and a proportion is taken to mean when this comparison is used to describe a related situation in the same comparative terms. …

Comparing units (ratios, rates and proportion) | Number sense and algebra | National Numeracy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

Interpreting fractions description

This sub-element emphasises the development of the fraction concept and the size of fractions rather than the development of procedures or algorithmic skills. Understanding the size of a fraction is an indicator of the depth of a student’s understanding …

Interpreting fractions | Number sense and algebra | National Numeracy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources

Representation of General capabilities English

General capabilities covered in English include: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and communication technology (ICT) capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding and Intercultural understanding. Literacy Literacy …

Representation of General capabilities | English | English | Senior secondary curriculum

Representation of General capabilities English as an Additional Language or Dialect

General capabilities covered in EAL/D include: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and communication technology (ICT) capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding and Intercultural understanding. Literacy Literacy …

Representation of General capabilities | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English | Senior secondary curriculum

Representation of General capabilities Essential English

General capabilities covered in Essential English include: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and communication technology (ICT) capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding and Intercultural understanding. Literacy Literacy …

Representation of General capabilities | Essential English | English | Senior secondary curriculum

Representation of General capabilities Literature

General capabilities covered in Literature include: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and communication technology (ICT) capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding and Intercultural understanding. Literacy Literacy …

Representation of General capabilities | Literature | English | Senior secondary curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACMMG244

communicating a proof using a sequence of logically connected statements

literacy numeracy critical-creative

Elaboration (2) | ACMMG244 | Content Descriptions | Year 10 | Mathematics | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACMMG272

communicating a proof using a logical sequence of statements

literacy critical-creative

Elaboration (1) | ACMMG272 | Content Descriptions | Year 10A | Mathematics | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACLITC045

exploring the sequence of events in texts by creating a storyboard

Elaboration (1) | ACLITC045 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Italian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

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