Your search for "description" returned 117 result(s)
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Visiting the park – AT

Students undertook an excursion to a local park to observe the natural, managed and constructed features of a place. After the excursion students completed a teacher-created digital worksheet containing photographs of the features of the park they had …

Visiting the park – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mein Haustier – AT

Students learnt about a variety terms for, and features of, house pets and had practiced reading and writing names and using descriptive language for these.   In this task students were asked to create a plasticine model of a chosen pet and complete an …

Mein Haustier – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Wetterbericht – AT

Students had been studying a unit of work focusing on the language used to describe the weather in German. Prior to this task, students had created a German and English weather dictionary, investigated how and why the seasons are at opposite times of …

Wetterbericht – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mein Monster – AT

Students learnt about body parts and describing physical characteristics using adjectives of colour and number. In this task, students were asked to create a monster of their choice and use modelled language to describe it, in full sentences.

Mein Monster – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Meine Familie- AT

Students learnt vocabulary related to describing family and pets, including names, ages, birthdays and personal characteristics. They were also introduced to grammar structures such as present tense of verbs, possessive articles (mein/dein) and the subject-direct …

Meine Familie- AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Germany's next top model - At

Students learnt two ways to describe clothing:   adjective after the noun (no ending) and   adjective before the noun (endings required for agreement).    In previous units, students had learnt the concept of nominative and accusative.  In this unit, the …

Germany's next top model - At | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Essen in Deutschland und Australien – AT

Students learnt about and compared eating and drinking customs in Germany and Australia. They researched the relationship between language, culture and values evidenced in these customs.  They learned expressions for food and drink and associated activities, liking/disliking …

Essen in Deutschland und Australien – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mein Alltag – AT

Students learnt language and expressions to describe daily routines, and how to communicate opinions, thoughts and feelings about these.  They learnt about structuring text types relevant to audience, purpose and context, and using a range of language …

Mein Alltag – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Heimat und Migration – AT

Students learnt about German-speaking communities in Australia and cultural identity. They learnt about the language features of formal texts such as reports and data, and how to access, interpret and respond to these.  In this task, students were asked …

Heimat und Migration – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

El pulpo – AT

Students learnt numbers and colours in Spanish and how to construct simple sentences with these vocabulary items. Students were aware of gender and how to write sentences using gender rules and word order based on modelled structures. In this task, students …

El pulpo – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

What should I wear today? – AT

Students learnt about various items of clothing and to express and show understanding of simple sentences about clothes. Students were aware that Spanish and English share the same alphabet, but letters and sounds are pronounced differently. In this task, …

What should I wear today? – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

About me – AT (Spanish)

Students learnt self-introductions and how to share basic information about physical characteristics at word and simple sentence levels. Students participated in various activities to learn body parts and colours and read and write simple vocabulary and …

About me – AT (Spanish) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Living things – AT

Students learnt about farm, wild and domestic animals within the unit ‘living things’. After building on vocabulary related to colours, students were introduced to descriptive sentences for noun and adjective agreement. Students participated in discussions …

Living things – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Animales de Venezuela – AT (Spanish 3-4)

Students learnt about Venezuelan animals and how to describe habitat, characteristics, what they eat and what they can do. Students were familiar with simple sentence constructions using present tense verbs, adjectives, simple conjunctions, plural forms, …

Animales de Venezuela – AT (Spanish 3-4) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Expressing preferences about food – AT

Students learnt about types of food and how to state preferences for food they like and dislike. Students had previously learnt phrases such as me gusta la___ and were taught the plural form me gustan las/los____ and how to add the verb comer/beber to …

Expressing preferences about food – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mi barrio y los pueblos antiguos de Latinoamérica – AT

Students learnt about Indigenous South and Central American groups and conducted research into one group of interest to them. The following task, in three parts, was set: Part 1: Investigate how an Indigenous South or Central American group lived and …

Mi barrio y los pueblos antiguos de Latinoamérica – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mi vida en la escuela – AT

Students learnt how to talk about and describe their school life, vocabulary relating to subjects, school facilities, and language features and functions - conjunctions (y, porque) and verbs – present tense - regular (estudiar, gustar, comer) and irregular …

Mi vida en la escuela – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Water in the world - ABOVE

Students explored how water connects places, environments and people. Provided with images, graphs and thematic world maps showing average annual precipitation and access to improved drinking water, students were asked to identify global patterns of average …

Water in the world - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Entrepreneurs - AT (HASS)

Students studied examples of businesses associated with entrepreneurs. They identified the characteristics of each entrepreneur, the strengths of the business and created general categories associated with entrepreneurial behaviour. Students then adopted …

Entrepreneurs - AT (HASS) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection: The legacy of Rome – At

Students were asked to reflect on the legacy of ancient Rome for modern society, and write a response as part of an end-of-unit task. They were asked to make connections between the ancient and modern worlds, incorporate images in their texts, and to …

Reflection: The legacy of Rome – At | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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