Your search for "climate change" returned 12 result(s)
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Understand that languages change over time and influence each other through contact and cultural exchanges[Key concepts: language change, influence; Key processes: observing, identifying, discussing]

literacy critical-creative intercultural-understanding asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLKOU150 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Korean | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Change and continuity in the Asian society during this period, including any effects of contact (intended and unintended) with European power(s)

intercultural-understanding personal-social critical-creative asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACDSEH094 | Content Descriptions | Year 9 | History | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum


Explore the origins of Arabic and how it has been influenced by and influences other languages[Key concepts: language, change, borrowing; Key processes: reflecting, selecting, connecting]

literacy critical-creative intercultural-understanding asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLARU152 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Arabic | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Understand that the Japanese language has evolved and developed through different periods of influence and cultural and societal change[Key concepts: language change, intercultural contact, popular culture; Key processes: reflecting, identifying, com …

literacy information-communication critical-creative intercultural-understanding asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLJAU035 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Japanese | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Research the phenomenon of language change in Chinese-speaking communities and monitor language use in a range of contemporary contexts

literacy information-communication critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLCHU261 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | First Language Learner Pathway | Chinese | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Understand the dynamic nature of languages[Key concepts: change, influence, evolution, globalisation; Key processes: observing, reflecting, explaining]

literacy information-communication critical-creative intercultural-understanding asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLSPU178 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years F–10 Sequence | Spanish | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Recognise that Indonesian contains influences from other languages, such as regional and foreign languages[Key concepts: change, borrowing; Key processes: identifying, discussing]

literacy critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLINU050 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Understand that the Japanese language both influences and is influenced by other languages and cultures[Key concepts: language change, intercultural contact, loan words; Key processes: identifying, reflecting, making connections]

literacy information-communication critical-creative intercultural-understanding asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLJAU017 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Japanese | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Theories of the decline of Angkor, such as the overuse of water resources, neglect of public works as a result of ongoing war, and the effects of climate change

intercultural-understanding critical-creative asia-australia sustainability Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACDSEH062 | Content Descriptions | Year 8 | History | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum


Recognise that the Japanese language is both influenced by in turn influences other languages and cultures[Key concepts: language contact, word borrowing, globalisation, technology, change; Key processes: identifying, classifying, reflecting]

literacy critical-creative intercultural-understanding aboriginal-torres asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLJAU161 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Japanese | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Recognise the dynamic nature of languages and cultures, and the changing and influential relationships that exist between languages[Key concepts: language contact, change; Key processes: collecting data, identifying, connecting, reflecting]

literacy critical-creative intercultural-understanding aboriginal-torres asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLKOU169 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Korean | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Understand that Indonesian, like other languages, continues to change over time due to influences such as globalisation and technology[Key concept: evolution; Key processes: researching, recording]

literacy information-communication critical-creative intercultural-understanding aboriginal-torres asia-australia Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLINU067 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years F–10 Sequence | Indonesian | Languages | F-10 curriculum

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