Your search for "explain" returned 2256 result(s)
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identifying and explaining text structures and language features used in literary texts

ACEEA138 | Content Descriptions | Bridging Unit 2 | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English | Senior secondary curriculum


explaining the purposes of common text types

ACEEA139 | Content Descriptions | Bridging Unit 2 | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English | Senior secondary curriculum


understanding and explaining how information may be included in or excluded from texts to achieve a purpose

ACEEA140 | Content Descriptions | Bridging Unit 2 | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English | Senior secondary curriculum


identifying and explaining common cultural references, idiomatic language and simple colloquialisms

ACEEA164 | Content Descriptions | Bridging Unit 3 | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English | Senior secondary curriculum


identifying and explaining common metaphors, symbols and sociocultural references in texts.

ACEEA191 | Content Descriptions | Bridging Unit 4 | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English | Senior secondary curriculum


explaining the purposes and structures of different types of texts

ACEEA192 | Content Descriptions | Bridging Unit 4 | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English | Senior secondary curriculum


explaining how meaning changes with shifts in tone and register

ACEEA195 | Content Descriptions | Bridging Unit 4 | English as an Additional Language or Dialect | English | Senior secondary curriculum


using text structures and language features to communicate ideas and information in a range of mediums and digital technologies, for example, explaining workplace procedures, using navigation bars to create a web page, and developing a character’s back …

ACEEE012 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Essential English | English | Senior secondary curriculum


explaining shifts in intonation and point of view, identifying the effect of language choices on an audience.

ACEEE032 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | Essential English | English | Senior secondary curriculum


analysing issues and ideas represented in a range of texts and explaining points of view and implications

ACEEE043 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4 | Essential English | English | Senior secondary curriculum


explaining how texts use language to appeal to the beliefs, attitudes and values of an audience

ACEEE045 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4 | Essential English | English | Senior secondary curriculum


use the coefficient of determination to assess the strength of a linear association in terms of the explained variation

ACMGM060 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum


explain the meanings of the terms: graph, edge, vertex, loop, degree of a vertex, subgraph, simple graph, complete graph, bipartite graph, directed graph (digraph), arc, weighted graph, and network

ACMGM078 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum


explain the meaning of the terms: planar graph, and face

ACMGM081 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum


explain the meaning of the terms: walk, trail, path, closed walk, closed trail, cycle, connected graph, and bridge

ACMGM083 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum


explain the meaning of the terms: Eulerian graph, Eulerian trail, semi-Eulerian graph, semi-Eulerian trail and the conditions for their existence, and use these concepts to investigate and solve practical problems; for example, the Königsberg Bridge problem, …

ACMGM085 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum


explain the meaning of the terms: Hamiltonian graph and semi-Hamiltonian graph, and use these concepts to investigate and solve practical problems; for example, planning a sight-seeing tourist route around a city, the travelling-salesman problem (by trial-and-error …

ACMGM086 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum


explain the meaning of the terms tree and spanning tree identify practical examples

ACMGM101 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4 | General Mathematics | Mathematics | Senior secondary curriculum


The properties of atoms, including their ability to form chemical bonds, are explained by the arrangement of electrons in the atom and in particular by the stability of the valence electron shell

ACSCH020 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Chemistry | Science | Senior secondary curriculum


The type of bonding within substances explains their physical properties, including melting and boiling point, conductivity of both electricity and heat, strength and hardness

ACSCH027 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Chemistry | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

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