Your search for "explain" returned 6 result(s)
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In F–2, students develop an increasingly sophisticated capacity for logical thought and actions. Students are reasoning mathematically when they explain their thinking. In Years 3–6, students develop an increasingly sophisticated capacity for logical …

Reasoning | Portfolios | Mathematics proficiencies | Resources


In F–2, students make connections between related concepts and progressively apply the familiar to develop new ideas. In Years 3–6, students make connections between related concepts and progressively apply the familiar to develop new ideas. They develop …

Understanding | Portfolios | Mathematics proficiencies | Resources

Number and algebra: Who are we? - WS1

The learning intention of the task was to identify given numbers which occur before and after a given number on a hundreds number chart.

Number and algebra: Who are we? - WS1 | Samples | Mathematics proficiencies | Resources

Number and algebra: My thinkboard - WS2

The students were presented with a basket containing five skipping ropes. They were told that previously there was a basket full of skipping ropes and were asked to list three different solutions to how many skipping ropes had gone missing. Students gave …

Number and algebra: My thinkboard - WS2 | Samples | Mathematics proficiencies | Resources

Number and algebra: Fractions and decimals and percentages – WS4

Students were given the following problem to solve: ‘A school is enclosed by a fence that has sides of equal length. 60% of the whole fence has been painted black. How many different ways can you draw what the fence might look like? Look at each of your …

Number and algebra: Fractions and decimals and percentages – WS4 | Samples | Mathematics proficiencies | Resources

Statistics and probability: Baffling box plots – WS10

From a given set of information about two footballers, students were asked to determine which footballer was more worthy of a reward. Students had to provide justification for their decision.

Statistics and probability: Baffling box plots – WS10 | Samples | Mathematics proficiencies | Resources

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