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Read and write a large core of high frequency words including homophones and know how to use context to identify correct spelling

literacy reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1780 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Understand how to use knowledge of letter patterns including double letters, spelling generalisations, morphemic word families, common prefixes and suffixes and word origins to spell more complex words

literacy writing reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1779 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students’ own texts including vocabulary encountered in research

literacy writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1498 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Understand how to use phonic knowledge to read and write multisyllabic words with more complex letter combinations, including a variety of vowel sounds and known prefixes and suffixes

literacy writing reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1828 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Understand how texts vary in complexity and technicality depending on the approach to the topic, the purpose and the intended audience

literacy writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1490 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Understand how texts are made cohesive through the use of linking devices including pronoun reference and text connectives

literacy writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1491 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Recognise how quotation marks are used in texts to signal dialogue, titles and quoted (direct) speech

literacy writing reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1492 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Understand that the meaning of sentences can be enriched through the use of noun groups/phrases and verb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases

literacy writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1493 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Understand how adverb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases work in different ways to provide circumstantial details about an activity

literacy writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1495 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Use metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas, text structures and language features of literary texts

literacy writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELT1604 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Identify characteristic features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text

literacy critical-creative writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELY1690 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Read different types of texts by combining contextual , semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge using text processing strategies for example monitoring meaning, cross checking and reviewing

literacy critical-creative reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELY1691 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Discuss how authors and illustrators make stories exciting, moving and absorbing and hold readers’ interest by using various techniques, for example character development and plot tension

literacy personal-social writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELT1605 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Write using clearly-formed joined letters, and develop increased fluency and automaticity

literacy writing Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELY1696 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Understand that Standard Australian English is one of many social dialects used in Australia, and that while it originated in England it has been influenced by many other languages

literacy intercultural-understanding writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1487 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Understand differences between the language of opinion and feeling and the language of factual reporting or recording

literacy critical-creative writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELA1489 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Make connections between the ways different authors may represent similar storylines, ideas and relationships

literacy critical-creative writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELT1602 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Re-read and edit for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words or word groups to improve content and structure

literacy critical-creative reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELY1695 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing responses and expressing a point of view

literacy personal-social ethical-understanding writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELT1603 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum


Create literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings

critical-creative literacy writing listening speaking reading Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACELT1794 | Content Descriptions | Year 4 | English | F-10 curriculum

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