Elaboration ACHCK077
creating a visual representation of the court jurisdictions in Australia
Elaboration | ACHCK077 | Content Descriptions | Year 9 | Civics and Citizenship | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum
Elaboration ACHES026
communicating findings in different formats such as graphs, tables, spreadsheets, visual displays and reports
Elaboration | ACHES026 | Content Descriptions | Year 7 | Economics and Business | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum
Elaboration ACHGS070
presenting an oral response, supported by visual aids including maps, to communicate a reasoned argument about a contemporary geographical issue, and responding to questions
Elaboration | ACHGS070 | Content Descriptions | Year 9 | Geography | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum
Elaboration ACHES037
constructing appropriate displays of information and data to show trends and relationships (for example, preparing a data show which includes visual displays including graphs and charts as well as text to present findings and conclusions)
Elaboration | ACHES037 | Content Descriptions | Year 8 | Economics and Business | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum
Elaboration (1) ACHASSI055
creating visual representations of a sequence of events or happenings (for example, the stages involved in making decisions in a familiar context, such as a planning a class activity, the sequence of seasonal changes in different climates)
Elaboration (1) | ACHASSI055 | Content Descriptions | Year 3 | HASS | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum
Elaboration (1) ACHASSI100
analysing visual and written sources to infer relationships (for example, examining photographs to see how people responded to droughts in enterprising ways; interpreting maps of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trade routes to propose how ideas, …
Elaboration (1) | ACHASSI100 | Content Descriptions | Year 5 | HASS | Humanities and Social Sciences | F-10 curriculum