Your search for "examples" returned 4 result(s)
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Global poverty map analysis – ABOVE

Students were introduced to ways of measuring human wellbeing and the geographical factors associated with the distribution of wealth. They were provided with a choropleth map showing the percentage of each country’s population living on less than $2 …

Global poverty map analysis – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Federation: for and against – ABOVE

Students were provided with a selection of primary and secondary sources detailing the key figures and events that led to Australia’s federation in 1901. The task involved extracting arguments for and against federation and then recording this information …

Federation: for and against – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Refugees and citizenship – ABOVE

Students completed three tasks to explore different perspectives on the experiences of refugees in Australia. These tasks took place at differing stages of a unit of work on migration. Firstly, students were provided with a list of notable Australians …

Refugees and citizenship – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Email to a member of parliament – ABOVE

Students explored levels of mobile phone use and ownership in Australia as part of a unit on resources, consumers and businesses. They then wrote an email that might be sent to their local federal member of parliament requesting new legislation in relation …

Email to a member of parliament – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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