Your search for "hybrid text" returned 67 result(s)
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Cook’s logbook – AT

Students, under teacher guidance, collaboratively traced the journey made by James Cook in the Endeavour between 1768 and 1771 to create a class map of the voyage. This map is included as part of the work sample. Students then chose four locations along …

Cook’s logbook – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Spending and saving – AT

This task was part of a unit of work exploring how to make informed choices as a consumer.  Students were presented with a scenario in which they were given a gift of $3000. They were required to save half of the money while being free to spend the other …

Spending and saving – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Land rights source analysis – AT

Students listened to the song ‘From Little Things Big Things Grow’ by Paul Kelly and Kev Carmody. They worked in groups to conduct research into the song, including its lyrics and the events and people upon which it was based. Students then answered questions …

Land rights source analysis – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Migration to Australia – AT

Students completed scaffolded inquiry into migration to Australia. Part 1 involved an examination of the sources of migration. Part 2 involved using data to draw conclusions about the nature and purpose of migration. The task involved students conducting …

Migration to Australia – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Water in the world - AT

Students explored how water connects places, environments and people. Provided with images, graphs and thematic world maps showing average annual precipitation and access to improved drinking water, students were asked to identify global patterns of average …

Water in the world - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

What is a home? – AT

Students completed a mind map template to record their answers to the question: ‘What is a home?’ The activity took place in class with students creating visual representations to support their own texts which were scribed by the teacher.

What is a home? – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Bushfire action plan – AT

Students were asked to write a bushfire action plan for their homes. Students examined digital and printed advice from rural fire authorities to identify key information and worked in consultation with their parents or carers to personalise the structure …

Bushfire action plan – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Federation: for and against – AT

Students were provided with a selection of primary and secondary sources detailing the key figures and events that led to Australia’s federation in 1901. The task involved extracting arguments for and against federation and then recording this information …

Federation: for and against – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Email to a member of parliament – AT

Students explored levels of mobile phone use and ownership in Australia as part of a unit on resources, consumers and businesses. They then wrote an email that might be sent to their local federal member of parliament requesting new legislation in relation …

Email to a member of parliament – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Past and present – AT

Students recorded, with teacher guidance, a definition of ‘the past’ and a definition of ‘the present’. Following class discussion, and teacher provision of examples, students drew pictures and wrote explanatory texts to support each definition. Students …

Past and present – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Climate art gallery – AT

Students investigated the characteristics of three climate zones in Australia, including the relationship between climate and the nature, function or liveability of places in each zone. Students then created an artwork to visually represent each climate …

Climate art gallery – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Business plan - AT (HASS)

Students completed a structured business plan using information and ideas associated with a fictitious company. The task was the culmination of the year’s study and required students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of business practices. …

Business plan - AT (HASS) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Visiting the park – AT

Students undertook an excursion to a local park to observe the natural, managed and constructed features of a place. After the excursion students completed a teacher-created digital worksheet containing photographs of the features of the park they had …

Visiting the park – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

A significant place – AT

Students selected a significant site in their local area from a list provided by the teacher. Working with the teacher, and supported by the teacher-librarian, students posed a series of questions about the building or place and researched answers to …

A significant place – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Who are we? – AT

Students answered a series of questions based on class data gathered and represented by the teacher as part of an interdisciplinary unit on Australian identity. They reflected on their learning experiences, including songs such as ‘I Am Australian’, and …

Who are we? – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Research report: Qin Shi Huangdi – AT

Students investigated the life, achievements and influence of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi as part of their study of life in ancient China. Supported by the class teacher and the teacher-librarian, students identified and located sources of historical information, created …

Research report: Qin Shi Huangdi – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My photo album – AT

Students were asked to pose questions to their mothers regarding their lives at particular ages (baby, toddler, school student). The teacher subsequently transcribed students’ recollections of the answers to these questions. Students then created pictures, …

My photo album – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

The local lagoon – AT

Students undertook a guided excursion to a freshwater wetland in a local national park. After the excursion students completed a structured worksheet in class. 

The local lagoon – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Creating a place – AT

Students conducted surveys and collected data about different environments. Students then used the data to inform their drawings of imagined places and wrote reflections on the process and the choices they made. The entire task took place over a one-week …

Creating a place – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Then and now – AT (Year 2)

Students examined teacher-provided examples of current and past communication and entertainment devices. Students created labelled diagrams to indicate the key features of functions of each device. Students then spoke to another student in the class about …

Then and now – AT (Year 2) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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