Your search for "hybrid text" returned 492 result(s)
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Obento project and reflection - AT

Over the course of a 4-week unit about portable meals (Obento), etiquette and food culture, students were asked to plan and create their own obento following the criteria and guidelines explored in class and complete a range of tasks at each step. Students …

Obento project and reflection - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Writing Task - Être en forme, Chez le médecin - AT

Students had completed a module of work on health and had learnt the vocabulary, grammar, sentence structures and idiomatic language to be able to discuss how to become and remain physically and mentally healthy, including eating and exercise habits, …

Writing Task - Être en forme, Chez le médecin - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Past and present – AT

Students recorded, with teacher guidance, a definition of ‘the past’ and a definition of ‘the present’. Following class discussion, and teacher provision of examples, students drew pictures and wrote explanatory texts to support each definition. Students …

Past and present – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

About me (Arabic) – AT

Students explored the concept of identity in a unit called ‘Who am I?’ They learned the relevant language structures, and participated in various tasks to practice reading, writing and talking about themselves and their personal world.  In this task, …

About me (Arabic) – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Landforms and landscapes - AT

Students were required to investigate the economic, social and environmental impacts of human interactions with a key geographical landform in their local area and the impacts of the landform on human interactions. Over the course of two weeks, students …

Landforms and landscapes - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Rates of reaction – AT

Students were asked to research factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction. Working in groups of 3–4, students were asked to select one factor and design and perform an experiment to confirm its effect. Students presented their findings individually …

Rates of reaction – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Climate art gallery – AT

Students investigated the characteristics of three climate zones in Australia, including the relationship between climate and the nature, function or liveability of places in each zone. Students then created an artwork to visually represent each climate …

Climate art gallery – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Business plan - AT (HASS)

Students completed a structured business plan using information and ideas associated with a fictitious company. The task was the culmination of the year’s study and required students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of business practices. …

Business plan - AT (HASS) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Horangi Magic– AT

Students were read ‘Possum Magic’ by Mem Fox in English, and spoke about the language and features of this story. The teacher used this story and its language and features to model a Korean version. They looked at a map of Korea and learnt about places …

Horangi Magic– AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Research and proposal: Physical activity interventions - AT

As part of a broader unit of work on community-based health and wellbeing interventions, students researched a range of physical activity interventions/initiatives/community events – for example, workplace walking challenges, social media campaigns, targeted …

Research and proposal: Physical activity interventions - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Short response: Changing nations - AT

Students were introduced to the topic of human migration within and between countries and its impact on the concentration of populations in major cities. During this study, comparisons were made between urban and rural environments in Australia and China. For …

Short response: Changing nations - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Referendum to change the Constitution - AT

Students created a brochure outlining both the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cases for Australia becoming a republic. This brochure would be distributed to members of the public before the vote which took place in 1999. The task was completed after an introductory six-week …

Referendum to change the Constitution - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Financial risks and rewards - AT

Students took on the role of a financial adviser for a hypothetical wealth management fund. They were assigned a profile which included details of the client’s financial situation and future goals. Students completed a series of investigative tasks based …

Financial risks and rewards - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Interview - What was life like when you were young? - AT

Students had completed a unit of work comparing life in the past to the present. Students had learnt how to describe way of life, activities and leisure in the past, how to express opinions and use l’imparfait. Students were asked to write the script …

Interview - What was life like when you were young? - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Letter to host family - AT

Students were asked to write a first letter to their host family in Indonesia. In the letter they were asked to explain why they wanted to go on an exchange to Indonesia.

Letter to host family - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mascot maker - AT

Mascot maker Students had learnt about the significance of mascots in Japanese society and culture through the theme of Yura-kyara (category of mascot characters created to promote a place or region, event, organisation or business). Students had learnt …

Mascot maker - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

The state of the nation - AT

Students adopted the persona of the Federal Treasurer to prepare an address to the National Press Club on living standards in Australia. In preparation for this task, class discussion was used to determine the questions to be answered in the address. …

The state of the nation - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Daily Routine - AT

Students were asked to write a journal entry about a typical day at school using verbs and expressions learned in class. Students were then asked to present an oral description of their daily routine to class. This task took place at the end of a unit …

Daily Routine - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Letter to Daniela - AT

Students had watched the film Salvatore questa è la vita. Students had discussed and reflected on the events that led the protagonist to remain in Sicily and not return to his life in Rome. Students were asked to imagine that they were the teacher, Marco Brioni and …

Letter to Daniela - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Diary entry of Caterina - AT

Students were asked to imagine that they were Caterina from the film Caterina va in città and compose three diary entries. The diary entries were to reflect Caterina’s experiences, feelings and opinions at different points in the film. 

Diary entry of Caterina - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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