Your search for "hybrid text" returned 492 result(s)
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Eureka Stockade: rights and responsibilities – AT

Students studied the people and events of 1854 at Ballarat, Victoria. They explored the living and working conditions on the goldfields and the specific actions associated with the Eureka Stockade. At the end of the unit they entered their ideas about …

Eureka Stockade: rights and responsibilities – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

A refugee’s suitcase – AT

Students watched the episode ‘Cuc Lam’s Suitcase’ from the National Treasures series produced by the National Film and Sound Archive. They were asked to imagine they were a refugee from the Vietnam War and describe the contents of the suitcase they would …

A refugee’s suitcase – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Research report: An Asian wonder – AT

Students were asked to write a research report based on their investigation of a wonder of the Asian world as part of their study of the ancient past. They were required to develop appropriate inquiry questions and to support the findings in their report …

Research report: An Asian wonder – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Maths in Vietnamese – AT

In this integrated unit of work, students’ knowledge of mathematics was used to count and skip count in Vietnamese; talk about activities at different times of the day and to graph likes of colours based on a class survey. 

Maths in Vietnamese – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Vietnamese versus Australian – AT

Students learnt the Vietnamese alphabet, and about linguistic differences between Vietnamese and English, and cultural differences between Vietnam and Australia. Students participated in various activities, class discussions and conducted their own research …

Vietnamese versus Australian – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mixtures and solutions - AT

Prior to the sample task, students investigated different types of mixtures and had been instructed on the scientific terminology used to describe their components. They had been given opportunities to identify solvent and solute in solutions and to use …

Mixtures and solutions - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Classification - AT

Students had investigated the role of classification in the biological sciences. After a visit to a local wildlife park, where students observed features and behaviours of Australian animals, they analysed how scientists develop hierarchical classification …

Classification - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Slater investigation - AT

In previous teaching and learning units, students learnt about the scientific method and conducted investigations, wrote reports and reflected on their investigations. During a teaching and learning unit on biological sciences, students practiced identifying …

Slater investigation - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Solar car experiment – AT

As part of an integrated STEM project, students had previously designed and built a solar-powered toy car and they used this to investigate the transformation of light energy into electrical and kinetic energy. Students designed and performed an experiment …

Solar car experiment – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

At the restaurant – At

Students learnt vocabulary and grammar patterns related to ordering and describing food and drink, including Arabic and Middle Eastern foods In this task, students were asked to work in groups to write the script for a role play in a restaurant. One …

At the restaurant – At | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Video: Safe procedures - AT

Students filmed or photographed activities in which they were selecting technologies and applying safe procedures.

Video: Safe procedures - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Scribed response: Growth and change - AT

The students and teacher discussed the concept of growth and change. Students were asked to bring in two photos of themselves: one as a baby and one as a school student. Using those photos, students identified their needs at these two points in time …

Scribed response: Growth and change - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Life changes - AT

Students listened to a story about children growing and changing and discussed the physical characteristics and different roles of characters in the book. Using a range of different images of people, students were asked to place them in order of age and …

Written response: Life changes - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Healthy, safe, active - AT

Students explored and developed classroom expectations and considered how being healthy, safe and active can create a positive classroom environment as well as healthy people. Students used the think-pair-share strategy to brainstorm ideas for each aspect …

Written response: Healthy, safe, active - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written reflection: Team challenges - AT

For the first three lessons of the year, students worked in small groups to complete a number of challenges that required teamwork, decision-making, problem-solving, and movement skills to be successful. This series of lessons focused on building social …

Written reflection: Team challenges - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Identity - AT

Students participated in a five-week unit of work about personal wellbeing and relationships, with a focus on belonging, resilience and personal and cultural identities. Physical activity challenges were used to generate discussion about linking feelings …

Written response: Identity - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Comparison: Food models - AT

Students were asked to compare the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating with the dietary recommendations from another country. They were then asked to design their own food guidelines and to explain reasons for their recommendations. This assessment task …

Comparison: Food models - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Family profile - AT

Students had learnt about family, kanji for family members, using basic counters for people and age and using adjectives to describe personalities.  In this task, students were asked to create a poster about an imaginary family using short descriptive …

Family profile - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Advertisement - AT (E&B)

Students produced a print advertisement for a fictitious product: a self-sharpening pencil. They were required to consider ways of engaging with their target market and to include key pieces of information required by the consumer. The task was completed …

Advertisement - AT (E&B) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection on images on stamps and coins - AT

Students had looked at a number of images on coins and stamps from Australia and Italy and had a class discussion on what the choice of images by Australia and Italy reflects about cultural perceptions of what is important for each respective society. …

Reflection on images on stamps and coins - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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