Your search for "hybrid text" returned 492 result(s)
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My map and globe – AT

Students completed a series of activities associated with world maps and globes. First, after examining a series of printed maps and discussing the locations of continents, oceans and geographic regions, students produced their own labelled map of the …

My map and globe – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Our class rules – AT

Students discussed the role of rules in the classroom and were asked to propose lists of rules for members of the class to follow. The lists were word-processed and posted on the classroom noticeboard. One of these lists is provided as the work sample. Students …

Our class rules – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mein Schultag – AT

Students used the topic of daily and school routines to compare similarities and differences between German culture and their own, including the German schooling system. They made connections between culture and language and expanded their vocabulary …

Mein Schultag – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Wet ‘n’ wild Wetlands world – AT

As part of their Science inquiry learning, students in Years 5 and 6 learned about ponding in the school wetlands. Ponding is part of an integrated program, that incorporates STEAM and German.  Students learn German in weekly lessons from Foundation …

Wet ‘n’ wild Wetlands world – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Excursion report (Mackay Harbour) – AT

Students, as a class, developed a common set of inquiry questions about the nature and location of places in preparation for an excursion to Mackay Harbour, Queensland. The questions and information, including photographs of the site, were collated into …

Excursion report (Mackay Harbour) – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Market Day – AT

Students worked in teams to choose and develop a product to sell to the rest of the school at a Year 6 Market Day. The team was required to complete a number of tasks: draw up a simple business plan; create an advertising poster for the product; complete …

Market Day – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Government scavenger hunt – AT

Students completed a scaffolded internet research task. They were provided with a sequence of links to teacher-curated on-line resources housing the answers to specific questions. Students recorded their answer to each question on a digital worksheet …

Government scavenger hunt – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My week – AT

Students learnt vocabulary and phrases related to daily routines and leisure activities. Students revised how to tell the time and days of the week. Using scaffolded examples, students created their own sentences to provide specific details about their …

My week – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Entrepreneurs - AT (HASS)

Students studied examples of businesses associated with entrepreneurs. They identified the characteristics of each entrepreneur, the strengths of the business and created general categories associated with entrepreneurial behaviour. Students then adopted …

Entrepreneurs - AT (HASS) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Colour match – AT

Students learnt adjectives of colour and how to write simple sentences using pronouns and articles with adjectives of colour. In this task students made a vocabulary chart to match vocabulary with the appropriate colour and an illustrative image. They …

Colour match – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

On the farm – AT

Students learnt the names of farm animals and their descriptions, leading up to a class excursion to a local farm. In this task, students were asked to look at a picture of a farm, post excursion, and complete a sentence describing what animals are on …

On the farm – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

This is me - AT

Students learnt to introduce themselves, discuss likes and talk about their family. Students learnt the vocabulary and alphabet to form words, and complete scaffolded sentences. In this task, students were asked to complete sentences with appropriate …

This is me - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Vietnamese alphabet – AT

Students learnt the Vietnamese alphabet including tones, vowels and consonants, and some major differences between the English and Vietnamese language. Student participated in class discussions and various activities to reinforce their learning and understanding. In …

Vietnamese alphabet – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Law of conservation of mass – AT

Prior to the sample task, students learnt the basic concepts and history of atomic theory, the difference between elements and compounds, the law of conservation of mass, and different types of chemical reactions. In this task, students were asked to …

Law of conservation of mass – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mysterious universe – AT

Students were asked to create a scientific report to explain the evidence that supports the Big Bang theory for the evolution of the universe. Students were asked to address the following questions and discuss the key scientific ideas relating to: 1) …

Mysterious universe – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Food and nutrition – AT

In a cross-curricula health-Arabic language unit, students learnt about the importance of food (nutrition) and water and their health benefits. Students learnt about translating words and expressions with access to dictionaries, word lists and online …

Food and nutrition – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Production elements - AT

Students studied the elements of production in a 10-week unit based on the musical Blood Brothers (1983) by Willy Russell. They explored the script with group workshops, moved readings and short performances for the class. Assessment during the unit consisted …

Production elements - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Cubism: Portraits - AT

Students researched and explored synthetic and analytical cubism and the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. They explored the visual conventions of and social and historical influences on cubism through structured inquiry that was prepared for them by their …

Cubism: Portraits - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Food - AT

Students investigated how to collect suitable materials for composting at their school to improve recycling, reduce waste and improve the productivity of the school kitchen garden. Students designed and produced drawings of a composting system for food …

Design project: Food - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Gardening tool - AT

Students critiqued garden tools, designed for adults, and identified the issues they have with using them. They researched ergonomics and developments by designers of garden tools in shape, size and materials used. Students explained the issues they have …

Design project: Gardening tool - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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