Your search for "English" returned 6 result(s)
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Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese in simple personal interactions with familiar participants (WS1) about self, family (WS2), people, places, routine, school life, and own interests and preferences …

Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student comprehends a range of spoken, written, and multimodal texts on familiar topics (WS1, WS2), including home life, friends and classroom activities. The student uses Italian to communicate and to interact, …

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can interact with teachers and peers through classroom routines, action-related talk and play (WS3). The student exchanges greetings and wishes (WS2) and responds to familiar instructions and to questions. …

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Chouette, c’est la rentrée - AT

Students had learnt about the cultural concept of la rentrée and discussed key language and grammatical structures. In this task, students were given a poem as a written stimulus text and were asked to answer questions in English about the content and …

Chouette, c’est la rentrée - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Scripted performance: Goldilocks and the Three Bears - AT

Students studied and reinterpreted the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in an integrated unit that involved English and The Arts. They participated in a process of play-building, in which they learned about Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, and …

Scripted performance: Goldilocks and the Three Bears - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Machinima: Rowan of Rin – AT

As a summative task in an English and Media Arts unit, students were required to recreate aspects of one of the novels in the Rowan of Rin series by Emily Rodda, using the digital game Minecraft and the production technique of machinima, which involves …

Machinima: Rowan of Rin – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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