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Elaboration (7) ACLASFU140

noticing that Auslan has more flexibility in word order than in English

Elaboration (7) | ACLASFU140 | Content Descriptions | Foundation to Year 2 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLASFU142

noticing that words such as proper nouns for names of people, places or schools are borrowed from English by fingerspelling and mouthing, but some also have sign names

Elaboration (2) | ACLASFU142 | Content Descriptions | Foundation to Year 2 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLASFU142

recognising that Auslan borrows from other languages just as English does, and collecting words and signs used in their everyday lives that come from different signed and spoken languages

Elaboration (3) | ACLASFU142 | Content Descriptions | Foundation to Year 2 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACLASFC152

participating in shared reading of texts such as the Auslan–English versions of ‘The Wrong Book’ and answering questions about unfamiliar signs and word/sign matches and mismatches in the text

Elaboration | ACLASFC152 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACLASFC152

identifying and comparing key signs and words in Auslan and English versions of favourite stories, for example, ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly’, noticing how signs can represent concepts which might not have a direct match …

Elaboration (1) | ACLASFC152 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLASFC152

playing matching-pair games with Auslan sign-image flashcards and English flashcards, for example, matching cards associated with weather or animals in both languages

Elaboration (3) | ACLASFC152 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (4) ACLASFC152

collecting and noting a list of gestures commonly used by hearing people when speaking English that have similar meaning when used in Auslan, for example, head nodding, shoulder shrugging, pointing to watch

Elaboration (4) | ACLASFC152 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACLASFC153

creating captions in English for short recorded signed phrases

Elaboration | ACLASFC153 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (4) ACLASFC155

reflecting on differences in forms of address in signed and spoken languages, for example, not using a person’s name when signing directly to them, unlike the common use of names in Australian English/other languages

Elaboration (4) | ACLASFC155 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (7) ACLASFU156

comparing iconic signs that provide visual images of referents, such as DRINK, ELEPHANT with English words that map to the sound images of the referents, such as animal noises, or words for sounds such as bang

Elaboration (7) | ACLASFU156 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (8) ACLASFU156

learning to film themselves and analyse the video or to read simple glosses produced by the teacher, and understanding that the English word used is often not an exact match for the meaning of the sign

Elaboration (8) | ACLASFU156 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (6) ACLASFU157

comparing English adjectives with SASS DSs

Elaboration (6) | ACLASFU157 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLASFU159

comparing a short text in Auslan with an equivalent English text, noticing similarities and differences in their structure and language features

Elaboration (2) | ACLASFU159 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACLASFU160

recognising that variation also occurs in spoken languages and noticing some different words for the same thing in English, such as cossie/cozzie, togs or bathers

Elaboration (1) | ACLASFU160 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACLASFU161

identifying different ways Deaf community members communicate with each other and with members of the wider hearing community, including face to face or via technology such as NRS or VRS, through social media, the use of English or the use of interpr …

Elaboration | ACLASFU161 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (7) ACLASFU161

understanding that some languages used in Australia, such as English, have large numbers of users, while others, such as many spoken and signed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, are endangered or in the process of being revived or recl …

Elaboration (7) | ACLASFU161 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (4) ACLASFC167

explaining a favourite game that can be played in Auslan or English, highlighting key Auslan terms and supporting information with pictures, gestures and demonstrations

Elaboration (4) | ACLASFC167 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLASFC168

engaging with different examples of Deaf humour, such as Deaf jokes, and comparing them with examples of humour in spoken English or in silent films or mime

Elaboration (3) | ACLASFC168 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACLASFC170

finding and using phrases that have direct translations between Auslan and English, for example, Goodnight, Happy birthday

Elaboration | ACLASFC170 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLASFC170

demonstrating the use of a bilingual online dictionary (Signbank), for example by looking up various meanings of the word run and comparing variation in signs for the concept in different contexts, and using it to translate Auslan texts into English and …

Elaboration (2) | ACLASFC170 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

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