Your search for "informative speeches" returned 4 result(s)
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Elaboration (8) ACLFWC051

composing expressive texts such as protest statements, personal letters or persuasive speeches that require careful use of emotive or powerful language, noticing how they select language or imagery and the basis for this selection

Elaboration (8) | ACLFWC051 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 to 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | First Language Learner Pathway (L1) | Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (7) ACLFWC049

producing fact sheets or informative videos about a current issue, an historical event, an aspect of their Country/Place

Elaboration (7) | ACLFWC049 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 to 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | First Language Learner Pathway (L1) | Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (5) ACLFWC053

producing bilingual/multilingual fact sheets or informative videos about a current issue, historical event, aspect of their Country/Place

Elaboration (5) | ACLFWC053 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 to 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | First Language Learner Pathway (L1) | Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLFWC049

planning, drafting and publishing informative and persuasive texts, selecting appropriate language, visual and audio features to convey information and ideas, raise issues, report events and advance opinions

Elaboration (2) | ACLFWC049 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 to 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | First Language Learner Pathway (L1) | Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum

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