Elaboration (1) ACLFWC180
creating own visual and performative art work, using symbols and techniques appropriate to Country/Place to convey a message or emotion
Elaboration (1) | ACLFWC180 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 to 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | Language Revival Learner Pathway (LR) | Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum
Elaboration (2) ACLFWC179
discussing how key messages and beliefs are communicated through stories and visual and creative arts, for example, comparing the role and representation of animals, people and landscapes in different expressive forms
Elaboration (2) | ACLFWC179 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 to 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | Language Revival Learner Pathway (LR) | Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum