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Elaboration (1) ACLGEC128

producing classroom signs such as Bitte mach die Tür zu! Hier sind die Scheren/Klebestifte/Stifte!

Elaboration (1) | ACLGEC128 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACLGEU131

recognising and practising short and long vowel sounds, initial consonants and blends, for example, ja, rot, singen, Sport, Winter, zwei

Elaboration | ACLGEU131 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACLGEU132

using the nominative and accusative indefinite articles to denote an unspecified person or object, for example, Rotkäppchen hatte einen Korb.

Elaboration (1) | ACLGEU132 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLGEU132

describing a relationship using a possessive adjective, for example, mein/e, dein/e, sein/e, ihr/e

Elaboration (3) | ACLGEU132 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 and 4 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (5) ACLGEC137

apologising and expressing concern or sympathy to friends and family members, for example, Tut mir Leid. Schade! Du Arme(r)!

Elaboration (5) | ACLGEC137 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLGEC144

explaining in English the use and meaning of German expressions such as Gesundheit, Hals und Beinbruch, Toi, toi, toi!

Elaboration (3) | ACLGEC144 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (6) ACLGEU149

making comparisons using simple structures such as Ich mag Erdbeeren lieber als Kiwis. Radfahren ist besser als Autofahren.

Elaboration (6) | ACLGEU149 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (13) ACLGEU149

referring to a date, including the year, for an event such as a birth date, for example, Meine Oma ist am elften April 1956 geboren.

Elaboration (13) | ACLGEU149 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLGEC160

composing and performing short songs with particular themes or for real or imagined occasions, for example, Liebe, Ferien, Freunde

Elaboration (3) | ACLGEC160 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLGEC164

discussing in English the issue of identity and gender-inclusive language in German, for example, Schüler; Schüler und Schülerinnen; SchülerInnen

Elaboration (3) | ACLGEC164 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (11) ACLGEU166

expressing opinions using, for example, meiner Meinung nach; Ich glaube, dass … Wir sind dagegen/dafür

Elaboration (11) | ACLGEU166 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (16) ACLGEU166

referring to quantities of people and things using cardinal numbers up to a billion, for example, Deutschland hat 81,9 Millionen Einwohner.

Elaboration (16) | ACLGEU166 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (2) ACLGEC178

experimenting with the translation of popular German expressions or idioms, for example, Du spinnst! schwarzfahren, and explaining the potential for misunderstanding

Elaboration (2) | ACLGEC178 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (4) ACLGEC001

expressing how they are feeling, for example, Es geht mir nicht gut. Ich bin krank.; Ich bin glücklich.

Elaboration (4) | ACLGEC001 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration ACLGEC002

making arrangements with a friend, for example, Ich gehe am Samstag zum Fußball. Kommst du mit?

Elaboration | ACLGEC002 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (4) ACLGEU012

learning to pronounce the German alphabet by singing das Alphabetlied, and using the German alphabet for spelling out names and other words

Elaboration (4) | ACLGEU012 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (17) ACLGEU013

describing frequency using adverbs and adverbial expressions such as oft, manchmal, jeden Tag, ab und zu, nie

Elaboration (17) | ACLGEU013 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLGEU014

understanding how to create textual cohesion by using elements such as coordinating conjunctions (und, aber, oder) to link ideas

Elaboration (3) | ACLGEU014 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (11) ACLGEU030

expressing opinions using, for example, meiner Meinung nach; Ich glaube, dass ... ; Wir sind dagegen/dafür, denn ...

Elaboration (11) | ACLGEU030 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard German Years 7 and 8

By the end of Year 8, students share information about their personal worlds, including personal details, family, friends, interests, likes, dislikes and preferences. They interact with others to carry out transactions, participate in class routines …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum

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