Your search for "world war" returned 4 result(s)
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Years 9 and 10 Modern Greek

The nature of the learners Students have prior experience of learning Modern Greek and bring a range of capabilities, strategies and knowledge that can be applied to new learning. They are expanding the range and nature of their learning experiences …

Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Modern Greek | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (3) ACLMGC005

reporting on events in their school life, personal world and immediate environment, for example, in a diary entry

Elaboration (3) | ACLMGC005 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Modern Greek | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (9) ACLMGU013

developing knowledge of vocabulary related to personal world, for example, self, family, friends, school and home, leisure activities, food and drink

Elaboration (9) | ACLMGU013 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Modern Greek | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Experiment with different techniques to create and present imaginative texts designed to engage different audiences[Key concepts: fantasy, private and public world, preferences; Key processes: creating, experimenting, connecting, reflecting]

literacy information-communication critical-creative personal-social Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLMGC024 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Modern Greek | Languages | F-10 curriculum

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