Your search for "World War I" returned 143 result(s)
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Unit 1: Investigating the Ancient World Ancient History

This unit involves an investigation of how the ancient world has been represented. This involves an exploration of the remaining sources and how they have been interpreted. This unit focuses on issues relevant to the investigation of the ancient world …

Unit 1: Investigating the Ancient World | Ancient History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 1: Understanding the Modern World Modern History

This unit examines developments of significance in the modern era, including the ideas that inspired them and their far-reaching consequences. Students examine TWO topics, including at least ONE study of a development or turning point that has helped …

Unit 1: Understanding the Modern World | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 Modern History

This unit examines some significant and distinctive features of the modern world within the period 1945 – 2010, in order to build students’ understanding of the contemporary world - that is, why we are here at this point in time. These include changes …

Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 4: Reconstructing the Ancient World Ancient History

This unit involves an investigation of a significant historical period through an analysis of relevant archaeological and written sources. Students will examine how these sources have been used to construct an understanding of the relevant social, political, …

Unit 4: Reconstructing the Ancient World | Ancient History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The impact of World War II and the methods that enabled the USSR to secure victory

ACHMH140 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


An overview, as background, of the nature of the world order at the end of World War II, colonialism in the Eastern communist bloc and Western capitalist bloc, and the emerging role of the United Nations

ACHMH186 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


An overview, as background information, of economic and social conditions in 1945-46, including social displacement and austerity in Europe, Australia and other parts of the world following World War II 

ACHMH201 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


An overview of India in 1947 as background for more intensive study of the period, including the impact of World War II

ACHMH149 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The contribution of Australia as a peacekeeper since World War II, including the military, civilian police, mine-clearers, weapons inspectors and diplomats

ACHMH226 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The nature and scope of America’s war effort in Europe, Asia and the Pacific (1941-1945), including the reasons for US involvement in World War II, and the decision to use the atomic bomb

ACHMH118 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


An overview, as background information, of the impact of World War II on Australia and Asia, including the significance of the fall of Singapore, the political and social impact of the war with Japan, the increasing regional involvement of the United …

ACHMH193 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The significance of Australia’s immigration policies on regional relationships after World War II, including the reasons for the gradual dismantling of the White Australia Policy in the period 1945-1973

ACHMH195 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


Reasons for, and consequences of, other conflicts in the Middle East, for example the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990), the Iran/Iraq War (1980-1988), Iranian Revolution (1979) and the Gulf Wars I (1990–1991) and II (2003)

ACHMH218 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The circumstances in 1945 contributing to mass movement of people, including the impact of World War II on migration from Europe and its impact on Australian migration policies and on movements within the British Commonwealth

ACHMH210 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The significance of key events in bringing about social and political change, including the role of African Americans in World War II, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the desegregation of Little Rock High School, the Freedom Rides, the March on Washington …

ACHMH089 | Content Descriptions | Unit 2: Movements for Change in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The internal development of Japan after the Occupation and the nature of its foreign policy, including the nature of the constitution and political system; the terms of the US-Japan Security Treaty, and the nature of the political order that followed; …

ACHMH146 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The importance of legislation in securing changes for women since World War II, for example, Roe vs Wade (US); the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Australia); the failure of the United States to ratify the 19th amendment on Equal Rights; the Equality Act …

ACHMH068 | Content Descriptions | Unit 2: Movements for Change in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The early contribution of important individuals, including Vida Goldstein and Emmeline Pankhurst and the subsequent influence of authors, influential women and activists, for example Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, Kate Millett and Germaine Greer, …

ACHMH065 | Content Descriptions | Unit 2: Movements for Change in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


The economic and moral challenges to Europe’s ability to maintain colonies that resulted from the impact of World Wars I and II

ACHMH079 | Content Descriptions | Unit 2: Movements for Change in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum


Japan during World War II, including the extent and nature of Japanese imperial expansion in Asia and the Pacific; the formation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; the external threats to Japan, including tension with the USA over trade before …

ACHMH144 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

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