Your search for "hybrid text" returned 1050 result(s)
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Elaboration (3) ACLVIC163

performing a dramatisation of a creative text, for example, imagining themselves as characters in a poem, song or painting and creating a scenario and dialogue

Elaboration (3) | ACLVIC163 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years F–10 Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACLVIU170

examining structural features of informal text types, for example, dates on letters, postcards and diary entries

Elaboration (1) | ACLVIU170 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years F–10 Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (4) ACLVIC178

exploring social and cultural themes through modes of presentation that combine elements such as photos, videos and music to enhance effect of text

Elaboration (4) | ACLVIC178 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (1) ACLVIC024

creating new aspects of a text, such as a new character or setting or an alternative ending, or adapting characters, events and endings to new settings and contexts

Elaboration (1) | ACLVIC024 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard Media Arts Years 3 and 4

By the end of Year 4, students describe and discuss similarities and differences between media artworks they make and view. They discuss how and why they and others use images, sound and text to make and present media artworks. Students collaborate to …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Years 3 and 4 | Media Arts | The Arts | F-10 curriculum


Explore the relationship between particular text types, audience, purpose and context and analyse language features used by signers to create cohesion and achieve the purpose of the text[Key concepts: audience, purpose, convention, coherence; Key processes: …

literacy Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLASFU123 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | First Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Understand that texts are made up of units of meaning such as groups of words or sentences and that different types of texts have different features that help serve their purpose[Key concepts: text, text types; Key processes: recognising, noticing]

literacy Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLASFU141 | Content Descriptions | Foundation to Year 2 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Explore the relationship between particular text types, audience, purpose and context and analyse language features used by signers to create cohesion and achieve the purpose of the text[Key concepts: audience, choice, conventions, cohesion; Key process: …

literacy Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLASFU213 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Explore the relationship between particular text types, audience, purpose and context and analyse language features used by signers to create cohesion and achieve the purpose of the text[Key concepts: audience, purpose, coherence; Key processes: noticing, …

literacy Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLASFU249 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Understand that texts such as stories, paintings, songs and dances have a distinct purpose and particular language features, and understand and apply text conventions[Key concepts: purpose, genre, text features; Key processes: recognising, identifying, …

literacy intercultural-understanding aboriginal-torres Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLFWU101 | Content Descriptions | Years 3 to 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Second Language Learner Pathway (L2) | Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Describe the interrelationship between text types, language choices, audience, context and purpose, and identify the role culture plays in the creation and interpretation of texts[Key concepts: connections, textual conventions, text types; Key processes: …

literacy information-communication critical-creative intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLGEU184 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years F–10 Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Identify, comprehend and create a range of different text types, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts such as diary entries, letters, advertisements and articles, incorporating appropriate linguistic, textual and cultural elements[Key …

literacy information-communication critical-creative intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLGEU031 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | German | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Create imaginative texts for different audiences such as digital stories and raps using imaginary characters, places, ideas and events[Key concepts: text, imagination; Key processes: exchanging, performing, creating; Key text types: narrative, description, …

literacy information-communication critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLITC046 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Years F–10 Sequence | Italian | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Understand how and why different scripts are used in different types of texts, such as announcements, tickets, advertisements, public signs or manga[Key concepts: genre, text features, text structure, cohesion; Key processes: analysing, describing, c …

literacy critical-creative intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLJAU177 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years F–10 Sequence | Japanese | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Explore representations, characterisations and points of view of people in their community, including themselves, using settings, ideas, story principles and genre conventions in images, sounds and text

literacy critical-creative intercultural-understanding personal-social Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACAMAM062 | Content Descriptions | Years 5 and 6 | Media Arts | The Arts | F-10 curriculum


Develop and refine media production skills to integrate and shape the technical and symbolic elements in images, sounds and text for a specific purpose, meaning and style

literacy personal-social information-communication Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACAMAM075 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Media Arts | The Arts | F-10 curriculum


Identify key points of information in simple texts[Key concepts: text, meaning, context; Key processes: decoding, guessing, making meaning]

literacy information-communication critical-creative personal-social intercultural-understanding Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLFRC004 | Content Descriptions | Foundation to Year 2 | Years F–10 Sequence | French | Languages | F-10 curriculum


Recognise features of familiar spoken, written and visual texts, such as songs, labels and captions[Key concept: text; Key processes: recognising, identifying]

literacy information-communication critical-creative Elaborations ScOT Terms

ACLMGU116 | Content Descriptions | Foundation to Year 2 | Years F–10 Sequence | Modern Greek | Languages | F-10 curriculum

Achievement Standard English Year 5

Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing) By the end of Year 5, students explain how text structures assist in understanding the text. They understand how language features, images and vocabulary influence interpretations of characters, settings …

Achievement Standard | Achievement Standards | Year 5 | English | F-10 curriculum

Elaboration (4) ACLASFC004

following a signed text that involves several steps to progressively collect information needed to complete a task, such as an obstacle course

Elaboration (4) | ACLASFC004 | Content Descriptions | Foundation to Year 2 | Years F–10 Sequence | First Language Learner Pathway | Auslan | Languages | F-10 curriculum

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