Visual knowledge - Understand how visual elements create meaning Literacy Visual Knowledge Level 5
analyse the effects of different visual elements upon the reader/viewer, and how visual texts such as advertisements and informative texts draw on and allude to other texts to enhance meaning
Visual knowledge - Understand how visual elements create meaning | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Grammar knowledge - express opinion and point of view Literacy Grammar knowledge Level 1e
use speaking, visual elements (including drawing) and beginning writing to express likes and dislikes
Grammar knowledge - express opinion and point of view | Level 1e | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Composing texts - deliver presentations Literacy Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Level 2
plan, rehearse and deliver short presentations on learning area topics, incorporating some visual and multimodal elements
Composing texts - deliver presentations | Level 2 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Composing texts - deliver presentations Literacy Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Level 3
plan, rehearse and deliver presentations on learning area topics, incorporating some learned content and appropriate visual and multimodal elements
Composing texts - deliver presentations | Level 3 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts Literacy Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Level 6
listen to a range of extended spoken and audio texts, including audio-visual texts, and respond to, interpret and evaluate ideas, information and opinions
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts | Level 6 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Visual knowledge - Understand how visual elements create meaning Literacy Visual Knowledge Level 6
evaluate the impact of different visual choices in the composition of images, including symbolic images and movement of camera or light, to achieve different nuances
Visual knowledge - Understand how visual elements create meaning | Level 6 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts Literacy Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Level 4
listen to detailed spoken instructions for undertaking learning tasks, listen to spoken and audio texts, including audio-visual texts, and respond to and interpret information and opinions presented
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Composing texts - deliver presentations Literacy Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Level 4
plan, research, rehearse and deliver presentations on learning area topics, selecting appropriate content and visual and multimodal elements to suit different audiences
Composing texts - deliver presentations | Level 4 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts Literacy Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Level 5
listen to extended spoken and audio texts, including audio-visual texts, respond to and interpret stated and implied meanings, and evaluate information and ideas
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts | Level 5 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Comprehending texts - Listen and respond to learning area texts Literacy Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Level 1e
listen and respond to brief questions and one and two step instructions, listen for information in simple spoken texts and respond to audio texts, including audio-visual texts, and texts read aloud
Comprehending texts - Listen and respond to learning area texts | Level 1e | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts Literacy Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Level 2
listen to two or more step instructions for undertaking learning tasks, listen for information about topics being learned in spoken and audio texts, including audio-visual texts, and respond to texts read aloud
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts | Level 2 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts Literacy Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Level 3
listen to spoken instructions with some detail for undertaking learning area tasks, listen to identify key information in spoken and audio texts, including audio-visual texts, and respond to texts read aloud
Comprehending texts - listen and respond to learning area texts | Level 3 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Composing texts - deliver presentations Literacy Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Level 6
plan, research, rehearse and deliver presentations on more complex issues and learning area topics, combining visual and multimodal elements creatively to present ideas and information and support opinions and engage and persuade an audience
Composing texts - deliver presentations | Level 6 | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum
Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing - Comprehending texts Literacy Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Level 1c
use conventional behaviours and/or concrete symbols consistently in an increasing range of environments and with familiar and unfamiliar people to: respond to a sequence of gestures, objects, photographs and/or pictographs, for example follow a visual …
Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing - Comprehending texts | Level 1c | Learning Continuum | Literacy | General capabilities | F-10 curriculum