Unit 2: Movements for Change in the 20th century Modern History
This unit examines significant movements for change in the 20th century that led to change in society, including people’s attitudes and circumstances. These movements draw on the major ideas described in Unit 1, have been closely connected with democratic …
Unit 2: Movements for Change in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum
Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century Modern History
This unit examines the characteristics of modern nations in the 20th century; the crises that confronted nations, their responses to these crises and the different paths nations have taken to fulfil their goals. Students study the characteristics of TWO …
Unit 3: Modern Nations in the 20th century | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum
Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 Modern History
This unit examines some significant and distinctive features of the modern world within the period 1945 – 2010, in order to build students’ understanding of the contemporary world - that is, why we are here at this point in time. These include changes …
Unit 4: The Modern World since 1945 | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum
Unit 1: Understanding the Modern World Modern History
This unit examines developments of significance in the modern era, including the ideas that inspired them and their far-reaching consequences. Students examine TWO topics, including at least ONE study of a development or turning point that has helped …
Unit 1: Understanding the Modern World | Modern History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum