Climate change affects the biosphere, atmosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere; climate change has been linked to changes in species distribution, crop productivity, sea level, rainfall patterns, surface temperature and extent of ice sheets
ACSES106 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Climate change models (for example, general circulation models, models of El Nino and La Nina) describe the behaviour and interactions of the oceans and atmosphere; these models are developed through the analysis of past and current climate data, with …
ACSES108 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Geological, prehistorical and historical records provide evidence (for example, fossils, pollen grains, ice core data, isotopic ratios, indigenous art sites) that climate change has affected different regions and species differently over time
ACSES107 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Unit 4: The changing Earth - the cause and impact of Earth hazards Earth and Environmental Science
Earth hazards occur over a range of time scales and have significant impacts on Earth systems across a wide range of spatial scales. Investigation of naturally occurring and human-influenced Earth hazards enables prediction of their impacts, and the development …
Unit 4 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
In addition to biotic factors, abiotic factors including climate and substrate can be used to describe and classify environments
ACSBL021 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Biology | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Rationale/Aims Chemistry
Rationale Chemistry is the study of materials and substances, and the transformations they undergo through interactions and the transfer of energy. Chemists can use an understanding of chemical structures and processes to adapt, control and manipulate …
Rationale/Aims | Chemistry | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Natural processes (for example, oceanic circulation, orbitally-induced solar radiation fluctuations, the plate tectonic supercycle) and human activities contribute to global climate changes that are evident at a variety of time scales
ACSES104 | Content Descriptions | Unit 4 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Ecosystems provide a range of renewable resources, including provisioning services (for example, food, water, pharmaceuticals), regulating services (for example, carbon sequestration, climate control), supporting services (for example, soil formation, …
ACSES077 | Content Descriptions | Unit 3 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Rationale/Aims Physics
Rationale Physics is a fundamental science that endeavours to explain all the natural phenomena that occur in the universe. Its power lies in the use of a comparatively small number of assumptions, models, laws and theories to explain a wide range of …
Rationale/Aims | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Rationale/Aims Biology
Rationale Biology is the study of the fascinating diversity of life as it has evolved and as it interacts and functions. Investigation of biological systems and their interactions, from cellular processes to ecosystem dynamics, has led to biological knowledge …
Rationale/Aims | Biology | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Unit 4: Maintaining the internal environment Biology
In order to survive, organisms must be able to maintain system structure and function in the face of changes in their external and internal environments. Changes in temperature and water availability, and the incidence and spread of infectious disease, …
Unit 4 | Biology | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Representation of General capabilities
Literacy is important in students’ development of Science Inquiry Skills and their understanding of content presented through the Science Understanding and Science as a Human Endeavour strands. Students gather, interpret, synthesise and critically analyse …
Representation of General capabilities | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Provided a substance does not change state, its temperature change is proportional to the amount of energy added to or removed from the substance; the constant of proportionality describes the heat capacity of the substance
ACSPH020 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Change of state involves internal energy changes to form or break bonds between atoms or molecules; latent heat is the energy required to be added to or removed from a system to change the state of the system
ACSPH021 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Unit 1: Introduction to Earth systems Earth and Environmental Science
The Earth system involves four interacting systems: the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. A change in any one ‘sphere’ can impact others at a range of temporal and spatial scales. In this unit, students build on their existing knowledge …
Unit 1 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Structure of Biology Biology
Units Biology is the study of the fascinating diversity of life as it has evolved and as it interacts and functions. Investigation of biological systems and their interactions, from cellular processes to ecosystem dynamics, has led to biological knowledge …
Structure of Biology | Biology | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Because energy is conserved, the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the energy added or removed by heating plus the work done on or by the system
ACSPH024 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Ecosystems can change dramatically over time; the fossil record and sedimentary rock characteristics provide evidence of past ecosystems and changes in biotic and abiotic components
ACSBL027 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Biology | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Human activities (for example, over-exploitation, habitat destruction, monocultures, pollution) can reduce biodiversity and can impact on the magnitude, duration and speed of ecosystem change
ACSBL028 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Biology | Science | Senior secondary curriculum
Conduct investigations, including the use of devices to accurately measure temperature change and mass, safely, competently and methodically for the collection of valid and reliable data
ACSCH003 | Content Descriptions | Unit 1 | Chemistry | Science | Senior secondary curriculum