Your search for "hybrid text" returned 864 result(s)
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Eine neue Schuluniform – AT

Students learnt about describing personal items such as clothes, and how to express preferences and opinions.   In this task, students were asked to present a persuasive argument to the school principal about the current school uniform, and suggest a …

Eine neue Schuluniform – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Alltag interview and recount – AT

Students learnt about describing and relating daily routines and activities, and how to write and talk about these using the past tense. They were introduced to the topics using ‘Das Tagesablaufdomino’ game (for everyday routines and related vocabulary). …

Alltag interview and recount – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My favourite food! – AT

Students learnt to discuss food (i.e. ingredients, adjectives to describe tastes, key verbs) and language structures and features (how to describe the frequency, basic counters, informal and polite verb endings). In this task, students were asked to …

My favourite food! – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Exploring rights and freedoms - ABOVE

Students were asked to investigate the role, actions and influence of an individual or group involved in the achievement of the civil rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They were required to present their findings in the first-person …

Exploring rights and freedoms - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Water purification - AT

In a teaching and learning unit on pure substances and mixtures, students investigated different types of mixtures and explored scientific terminology used to describe their components, states of matter, reversible and irreversible changes, aspects of …

Water purification - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Changing seasons – AT

As part of a unit on weather and seasons, students learnt how to describe the weather, report on weather, and compare seasonal features in different parts of the world. In this task, students were asked to write descriptions of seasonal features in a …

Changing seasons – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Hip-hop: Technology - AT

Students were asked to use dance to explore an issue facing the youth of today in a four-week unit. They were assessed in a summative task that included making (choreography and performance) and responding. Students selected and organised the elements …

Hip-hop: Technology - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Analysis essay - BELOW

Students studied the use of film techniques and conventions to communicate meaning in a film genre. They watched and analysed Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960) through student-led small group class discussion and analysis tasks based on production elements, …

Analysis essay - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Rainbow costume - BELOW

Students designed and produced costumes for a performance based on the book The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. They gathered Information on materials, colours, special effects and design features. They generated and evaluated ideas for their costumes. …

Design project: Rainbow costume - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Organising ideas – ABOVE

Students generated a digital mind map as a way to display pictorial data. They collected data about known places around the school in the form of digital photos taken using a tablet computer. They used an app to create a mind map to represent these data. …

Digital project: Organising ideas – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Worksheet: Digital systems - ABOVE

Students have been collaborating, creating and communicating ideas, information and solutions face-to-face and online via a class wiki. They were asked to identify hardware and software used throughout the year and describe other purposes for which they …

Worksheet: Digital systems - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Worksheet: Digital systems - AT

Students have been collaborating, creating and communicating ideas, information and solutions face-to-face and online via a class wiki. They were asked to identify hardware and software used throughout the year and describe other purposes for which they …

Worksheet: Digital systems - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Including others - BELOW

As part of a unit of work on valuing diversity, students learnt about the importance of positive relationships as they transition into adolescence. Students were asked to examine scenarios involving a range of relationship issues and use a thinking routine …

Written response: Including others - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Research report: Health issue - AT

Students participated in a 10-week unit of learning on health promotion. Students were asked to conduct individual research on a chosen lifestyle behaviour and present their research to inform the community about the consequences of the chosen lifestyle …

Research report: Health issue - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Short response: Changing nations – BELOW

Students were introduced to the topic of human migration within and between countries and its impact on the concentration of populations in major cities. During this study, comparisons were made between urban and rural environments in Australia and China.  For …

Short response: Changing nations – BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Learning through work experience - AT

This task was part of a unit of work relating to work placement. The students experienced explicit teaching of employability skills and reflective writing. They worked with a career adviser to identify an area of vocational interest and organise for a …

Learning through work experience - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

How to make a law - ABOVE

This task had two parts. First, students wrote a letter to their local member of parliament asking for improved access to the internet for all members of a remote Australian community. Second, assuming this request was successful, students wrote a short …

How to make a law - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

How to make a law - AT

This task had two parts. First, students wrote a letter to their local member of parliament asking for improved access to the internet for all members of a remote Australian community. Second, assuming this request was successful, students wrote a short …

How to make a law - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Letter to a friend - AT

Students had learnt how to talk about their own family and construct short, informative texts. In this task, students were asked to write a short letter about their family to an imaginary penfriend. They were to include names, ages and occupations.

Letter to a friend - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Script of a conversation on part time work - AT

Students were asked to write in Chinese characters the script of a conversation about part time work.

Script of a conversation on part time work - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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