Your search for "hybrid text" returned 864 result(s)
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Animation - ABOVE

Students studied endangered animals, read The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, and created short stop motion animation artworks as part of a 10-week unit called ‘Our Animal Planet’. They developed their understanding of the natural world and sustainability, …

Animation - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Magazine cover - BELOW

Students studied the conventions and technical and symbolic elements of magazine covers and how they engage an audience. They explored how the media creates meaning and engages particular audiences with precision on magazine covers. In particular, students …

Magazine cover - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Art response: Leaving home - ABOVE

Students engaged in responding to the subject matter and narrative in Aboriginal Nyoongar artist Laurel Nannup’s woodcut print, Leaving home. They were also required to analyse elements such as shape, the artist’s choice to exclude colour, and the technique …

Art response: Leaving home - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Art response: Leaving home - AT

Students engaged in responding to the subject matter and narrative in Aboriginal Nyoongar artist Laurel Nannup’s woodcut print, Leaving home. They were also required to analyse elements such as shape, the artist’s choice to exclude colour, and the technique …

Art response: Leaving home - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Art response: Leaving home - BELOW

Students engaged in responding to the subject matter and narrative in Aboriginal Nyoongar artist Laurel Nannup’s woodcut print, Leaving home. They were also required to analyse elements such as shape, the artist’s choice to exclude colour, and the technique …

Art response: Leaving home - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - ABOVE

Students considered how artists communicate their viewpoints and connection to the natural environment though their artwork. They created ceramic forms inspired by the artworks of Alison Brown and Aboriginal Thaynakwith artist, Thancoupie. They also identified …

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Investigation: Innovation - AT

Students investigated a designed solution they believed was innovative. They prepared a report including an analysis of why the design was innovative (including materials, tools and techniques) and an analysis of the impact of this designed solution on …

Investigation: Innovation - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Database - ABOVE

Students created a survey to elicit information about teenage views on a specific topic. They created a database with tables, forms, queries and reports to collate, represent and present the data. Students established a privacy policy, and shared and …

Digital project: Database - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written instructions: Environmental games - AT

As part of a History unit, ‘Children 100 years ago’, students learnt that there was limited money and toys for children in Australia. Students were asked to create or adapt a game, using only natural resources. Students used a template to help develop …

Written instructions: Environmental games - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Response to stimulus: Managing emotions - ABOVE

As part of this unit of work on managing emotions, students learnt about how their emotional responses impact on other people’s feelings. The class discussed scenarios involving different emotions. Students were asked to describe the emotional responses …

Response to stimulus: Managing emotions - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Song analysis: Relationships and values - AT

As part of a unit of work on respectful relationships and values, students were asked to select a song that describes a relationship between two people or two groups of people. Students were asked to write an essay to analyse the aspects of the relationship …

Song analysis: Relationships and values - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Response to stimulus: First aid - AT

Students participated in a 10-lesson unit on first aid focusing on DRSABCD, EAR, CPR, slings, minor injuries and limb injuries. Students were asked to apply their knowledge of first aid to a specific scenario. This scenario involved students having to …

Response to stimulus: First aid - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Culture and physical activity - AT

As part of a broader unit about influences on identities, students explored how stereotypes portrayed within the media and broader society influence the way people perceive the activities they can participate in, the roles they can play in the community …

Written response: Culture and physical activity - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Culture and physical activity - BELOW

As part of a broader unit about influences on identities, students explored how stereotypes portrayed within the media and broader society influence the way people perceive the activities they can participate in, the roles they can play in the community …

Written response: Culture and physical activity - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Landforms and landscapes - ABOVE

Students were required to investigate the economic, social and environmental impacts of human interactions with a key geographical landform in their local area and the impacts of the landform on human interactions. Over the course of two weeks, students …

Landforms and landscapes - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Data analysis: Human wellbeing - BELOW

Students were required to use and respond to a range of presented data sources to form conclusions about human wellbeing in African countries. The task was completed in test conditions as a summative assessment at the end of a two-week inquiry unit. It …

Data analysis: Human wellbeing - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Seeking workplace information - ABOVE

In groups, students visited workplaces that most closely aligned with their interests. Students were asked to prepare a set of interview questions that could be asked of a human resource person in the workplace. They visited the workplace and conducted …

Seeking workplace information - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Learning through work experience - ABOVE

This task was part of a unit of work relating to work placement. The students experienced explicit teaching of employability skills and reflective writing. They worked with a career adviser to identify an area of vocational interest and organise for a …

Learning through work experience - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Writing task - AT

Students were asked to write a semi-formal email to a friend using Chinese characters, on how they felt about not having a smart phone, why they feel they should have one and how they would use it.

Writing task - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

This is my city - AT

Part A:  Written script In this task, students were asked to work in pairs and write a script where they would discuss information about their cities. Students were instructed to use hiragana and kanji and use a variety of vocabulary and language structures …

This is my city - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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