Your search for "hybrid text" returned 864 result(s)
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Law of conservation of mass – AT

Prior to the sample task, students learnt the basic concepts and history of atomic theory, the difference between elements and compounds, the law of conservation of mass, and different types of chemical reactions. In this task, students were asked to …

Law of conservation of mass – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Mysterious universe – AT

Students were asked to create a scientific report to explain the evidence that supports the Big Bang theory for the evolution of the universe. Students were asked to address the following questions and discuss the key scientific ideas relating to: 1) …

Mysterious universe – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Food and nutrition – AT

In a cross-curricula health-Arabic language unit, students learnt about the importance of food (nutrition) and water and their health benefits. Students learnt about translating words and expressions with access to dictionaries, word lists and online …

Food and nutrition – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Style: Hip-hop - ABOVE

Students were asked to choreograph a dance that explored the stylistic features and culture of hip-hop in a five-week unit.  They worked collaboratively in pairs to manipulate and combine the elements of dance, choreographic devices, form and production …

Style: Hip-hop - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Production elements - AT

Students studied the elements of production in a 10-week unit based on the musical Blood Brothers (1983) by Willy Russell. They explored the script with group workshops, moved readings and short performances for the class. Assessment during the unit consisted …

Production elements - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Blueback trailer - ABOVE

Students studied the novel Blueback by Tim Winton as part of an integrated unit that included English, Drama, Dance and the creation of a film trailer as a Media Arts summative task. They developed and planned their own sequences based on the novel's …

Blueback trailer - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Cubism: Portraits - AT

Students researched and explored synthetic and analytical cubism and the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. They explored the visual conventions of and social and historical influences on cubism through structured inquiry that was prepared for them by their …

Cubism: Portraits - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Food - ABOVE

Students investigated how to collect suitable materials for composting at their school to improve recycling, reduce waste and improve the productivity of the school kitchen garden. Students designed and produced drawings of a composting system for food …

Design project: Food - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Food - AT

Students investigated how to collect suitable materials for composting at their school to improve recycling, reduce waste and improve the productivity of the school kitchen garden. Students designed and produced drawings of a composting system for food …

Design project: Food - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Gardening tool - AT

Students critiqued garden tools, designed for adults, and identified the issues they have with using them. They researched ergonomics and developments by designers of garden tools in shape, size and materials used. Students explained the issues they have …

Design project: Gardening tool - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Investigation: Innovation - ABOVE

Students investigated a designed solution they believed was innovative. They prepared a report including an analysis of why the design was innovative (including materials, tools and techniques) and an analysis of the impact of this designed solution on …

Investigation: Innovation - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: The beach - BELOW

Students collected data about what they found on the beach and presented the data as an information product.

Digital project: The beach - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Organising ideas - AT

Students generated a digital mind map as a way to display pictorial data. They collected data about known places around the school in the form of digital photos taken using a tablet computer. They used an app to create a mind map to represent these data. …

Digital project: Organising ideas - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Rapunzel - AT

Students were presented with the problem of rescuing Rapunzel from the tower in 60 seconds. In teams, they designed, built and programmed a device that would allow the prince to safely rescue Rapunzel. They were asked to use tilt and motion sensors to …

Digital project: Rapunzel - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Podcast - AT

Students designed and implemented a podcast and documented the process. They identified the audience, designed and planned the solution including creating a storyboard and script. Students implemented the solution using audio software, evaluated the solution …

Digital project: Podcast - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Reflection: Emotional responses - AT

Students participated in a games unit focusing on social interactions and emotions. They identified their own and others' emotions using a classroom chart of ‘feelings faces’. Students identified how their reactions might make others feel, talked about …

Reflection: Emotional responses - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written reflection: Team challenges - ABOVE

For the first three lessons of the year, students worked in small groups to complete a number of challenges that required teamwork, decision-making, problem-solving, and movement skills to be successful. This series of lessons focused on building social …

Written reflection: Team challenges - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Puberty and me - ABOVE

Students were involved in a five-week unit of work about puberty and relationships. This involved a focus on personal qualities, rights, responsibilities, and stereotypes and how they are reflected in the media. Students learnt about the importance of …

Written response: Puberty and me - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Respectful relationships - ABOVE

The class undertook a 15-lesson unit of work on relationships and sexuality. The teacher worked with students to: explore, discuss and understand a range of sexual health and relationship issues; develop a range of life skills; and access current, relevant …

Written response: Respectful relationships - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Written response: Respectful relationships - AT

The class undertook a 15-lesson unit of work on relationships and sexuality. The teacher worked with students to: explore, discuss and understand a range of sexual health and relationship issues; develop a range of life skills; and access current, relevant …

Written response: Respectful relationships - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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