Your search for "hybrid text" returned 864 result(s)
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Composition: Walking to School - ABOVE

Students sang a known nursery rhyme, Three Blind Mice in unison. They then collaboratively composed a song using the first three notes of Three Blind Mice, experimenting with inverting the melody and adding other notes by step. Students devised their …

Composition: Walking to School - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Composition: Walking to School - AT

Students sang a known nursery rhyme, Three Blind Mice in unison. They then collaboratively composed a song using the first three notes of Three Blind Mice, experimenting with inverting the melody and adding other notes by step. Students devised their …

Composition: Walking to School - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Chinese Characters - AT

Students were asked to demonstrate their knowledge of the stroke order of a Chinese character and write the Pinyin and English meaning. Students were also asked to write numbers 1 to 10 in Chinese characters and draw a picture to demonstrate understanding …

Chinese Characters - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Consumer dispute - ABOVE

Students wrote a script for a segment in a consumer information television show. They outlined a dispute between a consumer and a business, and they explained how and why the issue was resolved. This task was completed as a homework task.

Consumer dispute - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Consumer dispute - AT

Students wrote a script for a segment in a consumer information television show. They outlined a dispute between a consumer and a business, and they explained how and why the issue was resolved. This task was completed as a homework task.

Consumer dispute - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Interview: An idea that changed the world - At

Students worked in pairs to research one allocated progressive idea or movement from the 18th or 19th century. They were asked to identify its features and to adopt the persona of one of its leaders or proponents. Students then wrote the script for an …

Interview: An idea that changed the world - At | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Radioactivity – ABOVE

In a teaching and learning unit on chemical sciences, students learnt the basic concepts and history of atomic theory, investigated different models of the structure of atoms, and learnt about isotopes and different forms of radioactive decay. They discussed …

Radioactivity – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Python game - BELOW

Students were provided with a game that had been developed by previous students at the school using Python. They were required to correct any errors and to modify the game by creating additional features and functionality, for example new character races, …

Digital project: Python game - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Python game - ABOVE

Students were provided with a game that had been developed by previous students at the school using Python. They were required to correct any errors and to modify the game by creating additional features and functionality, for example new character races, …

Digital project: Python game - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Food - BELOW

Students investigated how to collect suitable materials for composting at their school to improve recycling, reduce waste and improve the productivity of the school kitchen garden. Students designed and produced drawings of a composting system for food …

Design project: Food - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Presentation: Working safely - AT

Students have collected evidence of safe and skilful use of technologies in a range of design tasks and recorded this in a presentation template provided by the teacher.

Presentation: Working safely - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Water - BELOW

Students investigated water management systems in the school and made suggestions for design improvement, or offered alternative designs to solve perceived problems. They were required to submit a labelled diagram/drawing of their design idea including …

Design project: Water - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Video: Safe procedures - ABOVE

Students filmed or photographed activities in which they were selecting technologies and applying safe procedures.

Video: Safe procedures - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Budget pants - BELOW

Students designed and produced pants or shorts for a specified budget. They documented their work including a deconstructed design brief; mood board collage; design ideas rendered and annotated; a fashion illustration (3D sketch); storyboard; materials …

Design project: Budget pants - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Nutritious and sustainable - AT

Students were tasked with designing a nutritious and sustainable meal that would support preferred futures for adolescents. They were provided with four recipes to modify. Students created a glossary of terms relevant to the brief. They investigated the …

Design project: Nutritious and sustainable - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Nutritious and sustainable - BELOW

Students were tasked with designing a nutritious and sustainable meal that would support preferred futures for adolescents. They were provided with four recipes to modify. Students created a glossary of terms relevant to the brief. They investigated the …

Design project: Nutritious and sustainable - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Worksheet: Whole numbers - AT

Students were introduced to whole numbers using a CS Unplugged video and unplugged group activities. Students completed a worksheet to assess their understanding of binary numbers.

Worksheet: Whole numbers - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Worksheet: Whole numbers - BELOW

Students were introduced to whole numbers using a CS Unplugged video and unplugged group activities. Students completed a worksheet to assess their understanding of binary numbers.

Worksheet: Whole numbers - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Podcast - BELOW

Students designed and implemented a podcast and documented the process. They identified the audience, designed and planned the solution including creating a storyboard and script. Students implemented the solution using audio software, evaluated the solution …

Digital project: Podcast - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Digital project: Database - AT

Students created a survey to elicit information about teenage views on a specific topic. They created a database with tables, forms, queries and reports to collate, represent and present the data. Students established a privacy policy, and shared and …

Digital project: Database - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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